Vitamin D supplements are associated with reduced hypertension
- A new study found that taking vitamin D supplements is associated with lower blood pressure.
- People with obesity and high blood pressure had the best results..
- Better calcium regulation may be one of the main reasons for this effect.
- Before supplementing with vitamin D, you should have your vitamin D levels tested.
According to new the study On November 12, 2024, Endocrine Society Journalvitamin D and calcium supplementation may help lower blood pressure in older adults who are obese (BMI greater than 30).
These supplements appear to lower both systolic blood pressure (the highest blood pressure reading) and systolic blood pressure. diastolic blood pressure (bottom number).
However, researchers note that more is not always better when it comes to lowering blood pressure. The effect was independent of dose.
The people who participated in this study had high blood pressure.
A systolic blood pressure of more than 130 or a diastolic blood pressure of 80 is considered high blood pressure.
They were all classified as overweight (BMI ≥25).
Additionally, their serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels ranged from 10 to 30 ng/mL. Less than 30 ng/mL is considered insufficient, and values less than 20 are classified as: vitamin D deficiency.
Two doses were tested: 600 IU/day (the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended daily dose) and 3,750 IU/day. Both groups received 250 mg calcium Citrate.
Study participants were followed for one year.
Comparing the two groups, they found that higher doses of vitamin D did not provide any greater benefit than lower doses.
However, both groups experienced statistically significant blood pressure reductions, with systolic blood pressure decreasing by 3.5 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure decreasing by 2.8 mm Hg.
The study also found that people with symptoms such as: obesity Blood pressure improved the most when vitamin D was low.
Remus Geiga, MarylandGlowbar LDN, a physician, registered dietitian, and clinical nutritionist, explained that vitamin D can affect blood pressure in several ways.
“One of the main ways is to help regulate calcium, which is important for constricting and relaxing blood vessels,” he said. Vitamin D may help lower blood pressure by improving blood vessel function. ”
Additionally, chronic low-grade inflammation is seen in obese people, Geiga said. This can compromise blood vessel health and cause high blood pressure.
“Vitamin D has known anti-inflammatory properties that may help counteract this effect,” he explained. “Additionally, obese people are more likely to experience vitamin D deficiency.
According to Geiga, getting your supplements back to proper levels can improve your blood vessel health and lower your blood pressure.
“Additionally, vitamin D influences the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which is a major regulator of blood pressure,” he said. “Adequate vitamin D levels may reduce the activity of this system and improve blood pressure control.”
Given the easy availability of vitamin D, patients may wonder how they can apply this research finding to their own lives.
AS Dr. Rita Hallclinical nutritionist, nutritionist. clinic spotstates that the first step is to determine if you are actually vitamin D deficient.
“A simple blood test can reveal deficiencies that may be causing blood pressure problems,” she said. “If your levels are low, you can improve your vitamin D status over time by taking supplements or (where safe) exposing yourself to a little natural light.”
But vitamin D supplementation really needs to be part of a larger strategy, she added.
“Blood pressure responds well to a combined approach, as regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet and effective weight management are all important for long-term benefits,” Hall said. Ta.
Additionally, the study looked at supplements such as: For the 600 IU and 3,750 IU doses, she advises talking to your doctor about the right dose for you.
vitamin d can
“This study provides encouraging insights, but it's best to consider vitamin D as part of a larger health plan, especially for people managing both obesity and high blood pressure,” said Dr. Hall. I concluded.
In a new study, older adults with high blood pressure who took vitamin D supplements along with calcium reported lower blood pressure after one year.
The best results were experienced by people who were obese and had low initial levels of vitamin D at the start of the study.
Improved calcium regulation, reduced inflammation, and reduced activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system may be responsible for lowering blood pressure.
Experts recommend getting a blood test to see if you are actually deficient in vitamin D and following your doctor's advice about your intake before supplementing with vitamin D.
Supplements should be part of a combined approach that includes: healthy eatingexercise, weight management.
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