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Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose Weight Like a Pro: 6 Numbers that Make a Big Difference |

Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose Weight Like a Pro: 6 Numbers that Make a Big Difference |


How to lose weight like a pro: 6 numbers that make a big difference
Image: Instagram-basbuiltfitness

weight loss It may be scary, but fitness influencer After successfully losing 100 pounds (45 kilograms), Lathan simplified the process to six key numbers. From protein intake to daily step count, these metrics are backed by science and provide a practical framework for long-term weight loss. Here we review his advice that will help you achieve your goals.

protein goals

Protein is the key to building muscle, reducing hunger, and staying full longer. Lathan suggests a simple formula for determining your daily protein intake.
Calculate your weight in pounds and multiply by 0.7.
– Example: If you weigh 200 pounds, aim for 140 grams of protein per day (200 x 0.7 = 140).
– It's okay to consume more protein than this to further support muscle growth and satiety.
Foods like lean meat, eggs, dairy products, paneer, and pulses are good sources of protein that can help you achieve this goal.

calorie deficit

To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. Lathan's calorie target calculation method is simple.
Multiply your target weight by 12.
– Example: If your goal weight is 175 pounds, aim to burn approximately 2,100 calories per day (175 × 12 = 2,100).
Adjust your intake based on your activity level and monitor your progress to make sure you're on track.

Take a break to lose weight

Sleep is often ignored in weight loss discussions, but it plays an important role. Lack of sleep increases hunger, reduces satiety, and makes poor food choices. Additionally, it can cause muscle loss rather than fat loss.
Aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night.
Improve the quality of your sleep by creating a bedtime routine, limiting screen time before bed, and keeping your sleep environment comfortable.

Let's walk towards a healthier you

Walking is a simple but powerful weight loss tool. Not only will you burn calories, but you will also improve your mental and physical health.
Set a goal of 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day.
Start where you are now and gradually increase the number of steps you take each day. Make walking a regular habit by incorporating short walks during breaks, taking the stairs, or exploring outdoor trails.

water intake

Dehydration is often mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. Additionally, sugary drinks can add excess calories.
Calculate your minimum daily water intake by dividing your body weight in pounds by 2.
– Example: If you weigh 200 pounds, aim for at least 100 ounces of water each day (200 ÷ 2 = 100).
Active people may need more fluids to stay hydrated.
Try drinking water, herbal teas, or zero-calorie drinks to reduce liquid calories.

training frequency

Exercise not only helps you burn calories, but it also improves your overall health and promotes weight loss. Strength training, in particular, can help you maintain muscle while shedding fat.
Aim for 3-5 training sessions per week.
Combine strength training with aerobic exercise for maximum effectiveness. Even short, consistent training can make a big difference.
Why are these numbers important?
Lathan's weight loss journey proves that focusing on these six numbers can simplify the process and make it more sustainable. By prioritizing your protein intake, avoiding a calorie deficit, getting enough sleep, walking more, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly, you can set yourself up for long-term success.
See more: Weight loss tips to get rid of stubborn belly fat in a healthy way




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