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Semaglutide eligibility expanded to more than half of U.S. adults

Semaglutide eligibility expanded to more than half of U.S. adults


More than half of the U.S. adult population could benefit from semaglutide, a drug primarily used for weight loss and diabetes, but there are concerns about access and cost, especially given its potential for widespread health uses. still remains. |Image credit: Andreas

More than half of the U.S. adult population is considered a candidate for semaglutide therapy, according to a study using national data presented at an international conference. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions and was published in JAMA Cardiology.1

The study was conducted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and utilized five years of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.2 BIDMC researchers estimate that 137 million adults in the United States are eligible to receive semaglutide for weight loss or weight loss. obesity process, diabetes Management or prevention of recurrence cardiovascular system event.

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist and became the best-selling drug in terms of total pharmaceutical spending in 2023. An average of one in eight U.S. adults reports using a GLP-1 agonist drug during their lifetime. Voting results for 1500 participants.3 Additionally, more than half of respondents who had previously used a GLP-1 agonist reported that they could not afford the drug, even if it was covered by health insurance.

Emerging data suggests semaglutide may be effective for other health conditions such as sleep apnea and some heart failure, and may slow the progression of chronic kidney disease .2 Other therapeutic uses include liver disease, kidney disease, substance use disorders, and dementia. However, patient reports highlight the need to increase equitable access to this new class of medicines.

The BIDMC study included adult patients in the United States based on currently approved indications for semaglutide regimens.1 The analysis included 25,531 people who underwent in-person interviews, physical examinations, and laboratory tests.

Researchers estimated that 136.8 million U.S. adults would be eligible to receive semaglutide based on study participants. The average age of participants was 50.7 years, and there were slightly fewer women than men (49.1%).

Projected coverage of the semaglutide-eligible population includes 26.8 million people insured by Medicare, 13.8 million people insured by Medicaid, and 61.1 million people insured by private insurance. By indication, 35 million U.S. adults are eligible to receive semaglutide for diabetes management, 129.2 million for weight management, and 8.9 million for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, you will be eligible.

Of the 39.3 million U.S. adults eligible to receive semaglutide for secondary prevention of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, 13 million have Medicare insurance and 4.7 million have Medicaid insurance. Although most people are eligible to receive semaglutide for weight management, although this is an indication not always covered by payers, more than 39 million adults receive semaglutide for indications other than weight management alone. you may be eligible to receive.

The study was limited because rare contraindications to semaglutide could not be precisely identified based on available data. However, the large proportion of U.S. adults eligible to receive semaglutide highlights the potential for broader uptake to impact drug spending and population health.

Others who reported using the drug semaglutide said they had difficulty paying for the treatment.3 Therefore, interventions that reduce economic barriers to access are urgently needed, especially as the prevalence of obesity is predicted to increase dramatically to 250 million Americans by 2050. There is.4

“Efforts to increase equitable uptake need to be combined with strategies to ensure that the cost of semaglutide is commensurate with the value of the health benefits it produces,” the study authors concluded.1


1. Shi I, Khan SS, Yeh RW, Ho JE, Dahabre IJ, Kazi DS. Eligibility of semaglutide in all current indications for U.S. adults. JAMA Cardiol. Published online on November 21, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2024.4657

2. Mitchell J. More than half of U.S. adults could benefit from GLP-1 drugs, researchers find. Newswise. November 20, 2024. Accessed November 21, 2024.

3. Harris E. Poll: About 12% of U.S. adults have used a GLP-1 drug, even if it was out of reach. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. 2024;332(1):8. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10333

4. Klein HE Overweight and obesity are expected to affect 64% of Americans by 2050. AJMC®. November 18, 2024. Accessed November 21, 2024.




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