Q&A: Meet the St. Thomas man who shines a light on his fight against stomach cancer

“How do people live without a stomach?”
That's the question stomach cancer survivor Harvey Easton had to ask himself after being diagnosed with stomach cancer and having to undergo a total gastrectomy nearly four years ago.
In preparation for Stomach Cancer Awareness Month this November, he decided to petition the local St. Thomas community to join the movement in support of survivors and victims of the disease by lighting up local monuments. Successful. jumbo the elephant Periwinkle blue on November 30th.
This gesture is important to him because it not only raises awareness, but also honors those who have died from the disease.
According to Health Canada, it is estimated that 4,000 new people are diagnosed with stomach cancer each year. Approximately 70% of people diagnosed are expected to die within five years, according to data from 2015 to 2017.
Easton spoke to CBC Afternoon Drive host Matt Allen to mark the city of St. Thomas' second year of showing support for stomach cancer victims and survivors.
The following has been edited for length and clarity.
afternoon drive7:56Stomach cancer survivors petition St. Thomas to raise awareness
Stomach cancer survivors are using November as the month to reflect on their fight against the disease. Host Matt Allen is joined by Harvey Easton to hear his own story and how he petitioned the City of St. Thomas to light up the monument with periwinkles to raise awareness.
Matt Allen: How did you feel when you were diagnosed with stomach cancer?
It was scary because so many thoughts and emotions were running through my head. The biggest question, of course, is: How do people survive without a stomach?
Then I was wondering where I could get support, what would happen, the process and how long I would be in the hospital. It wasn't a good day.
MA: What kind of treatment did you receive after your treatment? Gastrectomy?
HE: The first surgery took place in November 2020. The surgery went very well. About two weeks after I got home, I started taking fluids and nutrients very slowly. I found it very difficult to swallow. In December, it was like that and I couldn't get enough water or nutrition.
I was hospitalized because my condition was so bad and I started losing weight rapidly. They had to immediately proceed to insert a feeding tube.
I lost a third of my weight and felt really haggard. My wife was very worried. Unfortunately, she was worried that I was on my deathbed. The surgeon at the time decided to take me back to the hospital and perform a third surgery called revision surgery, which was a lifesaver.
MA: What does life look like for you now?
Him: Very different. You can't take much every day. You'll be lucky if you can reach 1,500 calories. You must eat every two hours, and hydration must be kept separate from meals.
Meals should be small and frequent. Eating became an adventure. Foods that your body tolerated a month or two ago may be rejected by your body when you eat them again.
MA: Are there any foods you don't like to eat?
HE: You have to be careful about high fat foods. I like yellow perch dinner, so be careful. Ice cream is where lactose is a problem. We have to be careful on Halloween too. I miss chocolate, candy, and Halloween.
MA: What do you want people to understand about what it means to fight a disease like stomach cancer?
HE: I think the most important thing is that there are still many unknowns about stomach cancer.
I belong to a support group and hear many stories every month from people who have been diagnosed. In fact, more and more young people are being diagnosed. Just a few months ago, we lost a new member who was 25 years old. He was recently diagnosed but unfortunately did not survive. I see it becoming more common. Not much is known about stomach cancer because it is not well known.
MA: You asked the City of St. Thomas to light up the jumbo periwinkle monument next week. Why is it important to you?
HE: Just as pink is associated with breast cancer, periwinkle is a color associated with victims and survivors of stomach cancer. November 30th is International Stomach Cancer Awareness Day, and famous landmarks around the world will be lit up with periwinkles.
I asked the St. Thomas City Council to light up the Jumbo Elephant Monument with periwinkles that night. [blue] In honor of those diagnosed with, battling, or survivors of stomach cancer in our region. It's important to me because it raises awareness and honors those we've lost to this disease.

MA: I hear this is the second year this has happened on St. Thomas. What does seeing this support mean to you?
HE: I'm so grateful that they're being progressive in this regard. All I can say is that I would encourage everyone suffering from stomach problems to get tested, as early diagnosis is key. The surgeon told me I was one of the lucky ones. I was diagnosed at an early stage. If I had waited a few years, perhaps my results might not have been as positive.
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