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How weight affects health

How weight affects health


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Colorado and the District of Columbia have lower obesity rates than other U.S. states and territories.

Specifically, more than one in five adults in Colorado (24.9%) and Washington, DC (23.5%) report being obese.

The CDC reported that more than 1 in 3 adults (35%) in 23 states are considered obese.

In 1990, none of the 45 states surveyed had an obesity rate of 15% or higher.

Obesity is not a matter of appearance

Alison Goodman, M.D., a pediatrician and senior medical officer in the CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, says that excess fat cells can affect “metabolic health,” the ability to regulate organs. Therefore, obesity is often a cause for concern, he said. all over the body.

“Over time, people who gain excess weight can dysregulate[metabolic health]and not function as well,” Goodman says. “That's when you see people develop conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. But that's not the case for everyone.”

“We're not concerned about size or appearance,” she added. “This is about what's going on underground.”

A map showing all states color-coded and obesity rates in each state.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Medical experts say the concern isn't what people look like, but what's going on inside their bodies.

These conditions include type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, decreased quality of life, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis.

There are also some lesser-known effects of obesity, including an increased risk of developing 13 types of cancer, sleep apnea and breathing problems, chronic body pain and mental illness.

A 2023 study by the University of Colorado Boulder found that about 1 in 6 deaths in the United States can be attributed to excess weight or obesity.

Excess weight is initially determined by body mass index (BMI), which Goodman says is common because it quickly establishes a starting point at no cost.

However, she said BMI has drawbacks, such as not being able to differentiate between fat, muscle and bone mass. Therefore, two people of the same weight and height will have the same BMI, even if one person has significantly more body fat and less muscle than the other.

“The BMI is really the entry point to see what we're thinking in the first place,” Goodman said. “From there, we need to more fully investigate a person's metabolic risk factors, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels.”

Goodman says the most reliable way to determine how your weight affects your health is to talk to your health care provider.

Weigh the west slope

According to the Mesa County Community Health Needs Assessment, the frequency of obese and overweight youth (ages 14-17) has decreased over the past two years, from more than 12% in 2020 to 8% in 2023.

However, for adults in Mesa County, the Community Health Needs Assessment reported an approximately 3% increase in obesity between 2020 and 2022. The combined prevalence of obese and overweight adults in Mesa County increased by 9% between 2019 and 2022.

Part of the reason is that less than 45% of Mesa County high school students (compared to 49% statewide) complete at least one hour of physical activity five days a week, according to a Community Health Needs Assessment.

“Physical activity, combined with a healthy diet, reduces weight gain and lowers the risk of developing many chronic diseases,” says the Community Health Needs Assessment.

The Community Health Needs Assessment also reported that approximately 82% of adults in Mesa County participate in physical activity (about 1% less than Colorado adults overall), but that participation varies by income level .

Specifically, physical activity is reported by only 73% of adults with household incomes less than $50,000. Meanwhile, nearly 91% of high-income adults reported physical activity.

The number of Mesa County adults who eat fruits and vegetables once a day (64% and 83%) is more than double the number of Mesa County high school students (31.5% and 36.8%).

Daily fruit and vegetable consumption among youth in Mesa County was also lower than in the rest of the state, at less than 2 percent.

prevention, treatment

According to Goodman, small, achievable goals and lifestyle changes are the most effective approaches to weight loss because they reduce the chance of failure or giving up, but long-term changes that make it easier to stay healthy It also leads to changes in behavior. Weight.

One example Goodman gave is replacing soda with flavored or sparkling water.

Still, Goodman said there are some additional factors and weight loss methods people should consider.

“Everyone always goes back to nutrition and physical activity, blaming and shaming (those factors),” Goodman said. “[They]don't necessarily realize how the toxic stress and environmental issues in the communities we all live in really impact our weight.”

He says that other than physical activity and nutrition, other potential contributing factors to obesity include sleep, stress and coping, genetics, the environment, chemical exposures, the gut microbiome, and even past antibiotics. It added that this includes the use of

Similarly, in addition to exercise and diet, there are alternative treatments such as medications and surgery.

“…Even if you're doing the right things, it can be very difficult to lose excess weight through nutrition and physical activity alone. It's due to system dysregulation,” Goodman said. “That's completely game-changing, especially if your BMI is very high.”

Readers considering weight loss should consult a health care professional for diagnosis, advice, and treatment plans specific to that person.




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