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RSV antibody treatment brings new hope to our youngest patients – NBC4 Washington

RSV antibody treatment brings new hope to our youngest patients – NBC4 Washington


A new treatment is expected to significantly reduce the severity of the dangerous virus in young children.

Doctors describe an antibody treatment for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) as a game-changer that could change the lives of the 2 million children in the United States who contract the virus each year. Approximately 80,000 children are hospitalized and up to 300 die from RSV each year.

News4 spoke to a doctor and a local mother whose young son became seriously ill with RSV, who explained why many doctors say the treatment, called Bayfortas, is a significant advance.

At Potomac Children's Hospital in Rockville, Maryland, Dr. Joseph Mekaku sees more children infected with RSV than he would like. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, and treatments are limited.

Mechak said he is excited to be able to offer Bayfortas to families.

“This is one of the things I'm most excited about in my career,” he said. “[…] It's been a while. There were some successes and beginnings. [in research]various antibodies and vaccines against RSV were developed in the 80's and 90's, but they didn't really make much progress. ”

Bayfortas has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. This injection is covered by insurance and recommended for babies under 8 months of age.

This treatment has been shown to reduce the risk of hospitalization by 80%, Mechak said.

Because RSV is a virus, antibiotics are not effective. Bayfortas is not a vaccine, Mekaku explained.

“I'm just giving antibodies against the disease, so the side effects are really minimal,” he said.

How a 'perfectly healthy boy' spent 10 days in the ICU

Local mother Lindsey Carter's son, SJ, became seriously ill with RSV two years ago. He was only 10 months old.

“It was a nightmare,” she said. “A perfectly healthy boy. He was 10 months old. A good, healthy little lump.”

SJ had cold symptoms and a fever. When his symptoms continued to worsen, his parents called their pediatrician.

Mechak, the attending physician, recalled having to call 911 to take the baby to the hospital.

SJ ended up spending 10 days in the pediatric ICU. His mother said if she could go back in time, she would take the antibody treatment if it were available.

“All we were looking at was his oxygen level and hoping it would come back up. I wouldn't wish that on anyone,” Carter said.

Symptoms of RSV to be aware of

If you're worried that your child has RSV, doctors say there are four things to keep in mind and listen to:

  • excess mucus
  • deep and bad cough
  • heavy or abdominal breathing
  • hydration

The peak season for RSV is approaching. From December to March.

Currently, SJ is growing steadily. His mother said with a smile that he was “the perfect little 3-year-old.”

Mechak works to spread the word about potentially life-saving treatments.

“I really can't overstate that this is a really great addition to our arsenal to prevent serious illness in our children,” he said.




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