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Dietary therapy for cancer | Geisinger

Dietary therapy for cancer | Geisinger


There are many types of cancer treatment other than chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Believe it or not, diet also plays an important role in treatment and recovery.

A balanced cancer treatment diet provides the essential nutrients your body needs to repair and recover. It gives you energy, increases muscle tone, strengthens the immune system, which is often weakened by cancer treatment, and improves the body's ability to fight cancer and ward off infections.

Healthy side effects? A balanced diet can also help reduce side effects from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. common treatments.

They say “food is medicine” Meredith Yozwiak, Clinical Nutritionist At Geisinger. “While no diet can cure cancer, focusing on nutrition can improve patient outcomes and overall quality of life.”

How to create a meal plan for cancer

Cancer diet plans are not one-size-fits-all. Everyone's body is different. The diet that is right for you depends on your overall health, the type and location of your cancer, and the side effects of your treatment.

Therefore, consult a registered dietitian before cancer treatment. They will assess your nutritional status, identify nutrient deficiencies, and suggest strategies to help you get the right nutrients in your diet. Additionally, it can help you overcome challenges posed by treatment, such as side effects that affect your ability to eat or tolerate certain foods.

“We can help you develop a cancer diet plan that is practical for you,” says Yozwiak. “We can provide tips on meal planning on a budget or how to eat healthier on the go on a busy night. We can also provide tips on how to meal plan on a budget or eat healthier on the go. We can also provide tips for people who are already on a special diet due to a chronic condition such as diabetes. We can also give you suggestions on what to do.”

Foods to include in your cancer diet

Including the right foods in a cancer patient's diet plays an important role in their overall health. The main goals of an anti-cancer diet are to maintain weight, stay hydrated, maintain strength and energy, and manage symptoms.


Protein is essential It repairs damaged cells and tissues during treatment, increases muscle strength, and maintains energy levels. Best Choice: Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish. egg. Low-fat dairy products such as Greek yogurt, milk, and cheese. Plant-based sources such as beans, lentils, nuts, and tofu.

“Plant-based proteins are especially important because they provide the highest levels of vitamins and minerals,” says Ms. Yozwiak.

fruits and vegetables

Get the most of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to repair and recover by “eating the rainbow” of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, it is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion, promotes bowel movements, and helps maintain weight.

Colorful fruits and vegetables, such as berries, leafy greens, and citrus fruits, are rich in antioxidants that protect cells from damage. reduce inflammation.

complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates (unprocessed or minimally processed) are rich in dietary fiber, which helps maintain gut health, a key component of the immune system, and promotes regularity. This category includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and more.

heart healthy fats

Choose heart-healthy (unsaturated) fat sources such as avocados, walnuts, olive oil, and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, it also provides other essential nutrients and enough calories to keep your body strong and healthy.


Hydration is key to keeping your body functioning at its best. drink lots of water Make sure to stay hydrated, especially on days when you don't feel well or when you don't eat much. can also include hydration food Add it to meals such as soups. Some fruits and vegetables are especially high in water, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, and watermelon.

“Staying hydrated is extremely important during cancer treatment as it helps eliminate toxins and supports various body functions,” says Ms. Yozwiak. “It also helps replenish fluids that may be lost from the body due to treatment side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting.”

Foods to limit in cancer diet

Certain foods can have negative effects on your health or cause discomfort during treatment. To keep your body strong, limit low-nutrient foods to make room for more nutritious foods. Foods to limit include:

  • Highly processed foods: Packaged snacks, fast foods, and prepared foods tend to be high in saturated fat, sodium, and preservatives. Essential nutrients are often removed during processing, and these foods can cause unwanted weight gain and inflammation.
  • Fried food: High in saturated and trans fats, calories, and low in nutrients, fried foods can lead to unwanted weight gain, inflammation, and heart disease.
  • Foods that increase the risk of food poisoning: Avoid raw fish, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk and cheese, as cancer can weaken your immune system. And wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.
  • Foods with added sugar: limit sweet drink and processed sweets. Diets that are not very nutritious and high in sugar can weaken your immune system and cause inflammation and weight gain.

Foods that help fight side effects of treatment

Cancer treatments are designed to kill cancer cells, but they also damage healthy cells. On days when you're not feeling well, try changing your diet to combat any unpleasant side effects.

  • Decreased appetite: Eat small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day, rather than three large meals, and choose foods that appeal to you. If you're having a particularly tough day, try drinking a protein shake or smoothie.
  • Change in taste: Treatment may affect your taste buds. Things you used to hate become delicious, and vice versa. Experiment with different flavors and textures to find what works best for you. Experiment with new spices, marinades, and citrus dishes.
  • Mouth and throat problems: Try smoothies or soft foods, or cut your food into very small bites to make it easier to swallow. Strained soups, yogurt, and scrambled eggs are recommended. It is best to limit or even avoid alcoholcitrus fruits and spicy foods that can irritate the mouth and throat.
  • constipation: Foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt and sauerkraut, and foods rich in insoluble fiber can help regulate digestion and relieve symptoms. Stay hydrated by drinking water and other clear liquids throughout the day. However, limit sugary drinks and caffeine as they can cause dehydration.
  • nausea: Ginger chews or peppermint tea can help relieve nausea. Bananas, crackers, pretzels, applesauce, and other bland foods are also easy on the stomach. Eating small meals multiple times a day puts less strain on your digestive tract. Be careful not to skip meals. Limit high-fat, greasy, or spicy foods.
  • diarrhea: Try to eat a low-fiber diet. However, you can also include soluble fiber sources (oatmeal, mango, cooked carrots, green beans, etc.). Choose foods and drinks that contain a lot of electrolyteReplace what you've lost by consuming , sodium (in sports drinks and soups), and potassium (in bananas and potatoes). Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

“It's always best to get essential nutrients through diet alone,” says Yozwiak. “However, if you have side effects such as diarrhea or vomiting that cause loss of essential vitamins and minerals, talk to your doctor about whether taking a supplement is right for you.”

Next steps:

learn about Cancer treatment at Geisinger
what to do pack in chemotherapy bag
take care of you Mental health after cancer diagnosis




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