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How can I fight seasonal depression? – Deseret News

How can I fight seasonal depression? – Deseret News


After the time change in early November, the sun set earlier and many people experienced symptoms of seasonal depression.

Some people with symptoms of seasonal depression are diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of depression that is correlated with seasonal changes, with symptoms typically starting in the fall and continuing into the winter. Mayo Clinic.

These seasonal depression symptoms include feeling sad or depressed most of the day, losing interest in activities, having low energy, sleeping too much, and having trouble concentrating.

“Don't dismiss those annual moods as just the 'winter blues' or an example of a seasonal funk you have to deal with on your own. Take steps to stabilize your mood and motivation throughout the year. ” Mayo Clinic.

Here are six simple ways to help you deal with seasonal depression symptoms and improve your mental health this winter.


According to UC Davis Healthmoving your body through physical activity can provide physical stimulation.

According to UC Davis Health, “Participating in an exercise group or class provides physical and social benefits.”

It doesn't have to be strenuous, but moving your body can be stimulating and help fight the seasonal blues.

According to King Edward VII Hospitalphysical activity is known to help reduce stress and anxiety levels, and can help manage seasonal depression.


According to daily healthKeeping a diary will help remove negative emotions from your system. The process of writing down your thoughts and getting them out of your head can have a positive impact on your mood.

“Journaling can help you prioritize life's issues, identify depression triggers, and find better ways to control them,” says Everyday Health magazine.

I recommend writing in your journal at night because it allows you to reflect on your day by including your thoughts, concerns, and emotions in what you write.

light therapy

According to mayo clinic“Light therapy, also known as light therapy, involves sitting a few feet away from a special light box and being exposed to bright light within the first hour of waking up each day. Light therapy mimics the natural light outdoors. , which appears to cause changes in brain chemicals associated with mood.”

According to King Edward VII Hospital, it is also recommended to let as much light into your home as possible. This will help your brain recognize that it's daytime.

“Keep curtains and blinds open during the day and make sure there are no items on your windows that could block natural light.” King Edward VII's hospital.

Strictly adhere to schedule

“Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on the weekends, helps regulate your natural circadian rhythm.” King Edward VII Hospital.

By sticking to a strict schedule, you'll be exposed to the light at “consistent and predictable times.” daily health.

Eating meals at regular times is also effective and can prevent you from overeating. According to , it's common for people with SAD to gain weight in the winter. Mayo Clinic.

arts and crafts

“Learning new skills or picking up old ones helps form new connections in the brain, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity.” King Edward VII's hospital.

This helps improve cognitive function, improving learning, memory, decision-making, and reasoning, which can lead to improved mood.

Arts and crafts have a calming effect.

Kind Edward VII Hospital says such arts and crafts therapy can include dancing and acting, or joining local groups that teach people how to sew, play an instrument or other skills.


According to King Edward VII Hospital“Put a lot of potted plants around your house to bring a little bit of the outside and the inside in. Not only do they look good, but taking care of your plants (and gardening outdoors) can improve your depressed mood. It will help.”

Plants have a variety of benefits, including purifying the air, reducing noise pollution, reducing stress, and improving mental and physical health.

We recommend placing plants near your living space, such as on your desk or in your bedroom.

According to King Edward VII Hospital, “All of this is linked to our natural desire to connect with the natural world, an innate desire known as biophilia.”




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