San Francisco leaders aim to remember lives lost and educate the next generation on World AIDS Day

San Franciscans celebrate World AIDS Day
On Sunday, World AIDS Day was commemorated at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The event honored the lives lost to the disease and celebrated the progress made. Participants also want to continue the conversation about HIV and AIDS as a way to educate younger generations. KTVU's Amanda Quintana reports.
san francisco – On Sunday, World AIDS Day was commemorated at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
The event honored the lives lost to the disease and celebrated the progress made. Participants also want to continue the conversation about HIV and AIDS as a way to educate younger generations.
Speakers shared memories of the 1980s and 1990s, when the AIDS epidemic claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.
John Cunningham, CEO of the National AIDS Memorial, said: “Lives that have been cut short because of prejudice, discrimination, otherism and the inaction of governments, communities and nations need to be respected.'' There is,” he said. .
“(They) were beautiful people and they were all special. I'll never forget them. I'm trembling for them right now,” Miki Airault said.
Iroh was a nurse at the time. She cared for patients through years of HIV research and clinical trials.
She and many others gather every year on World AIDS Day to remember those who have died, to support those still living with this disease, and to help us prevent disease and fight AIDS with one pill a day. We praise our leaders. No patient detected.
However, even as time passes and research and treatments advance, many believe it is still important to remind younger generations of how terrifying those times truly were.
“They don't really think this is a death sentence anymore. They just think, 'Oh, if I get HIV, I'll take one pill and I'll be fine.'” So we need to educate. ,” said Bert Champagne, event director for AIDS Walk San Francisco. “We lost an entire community to HIV and AIDS.”
Percy Vermuth is helping to bridge that generation gap. The Carleton University freshman, who came out as transgender at age 14, participated in a panel discussion about how people from different backgrounds experience HIV.
“I've talked to a lot of long-term survivors, and while the world today is very different in many wonderful ways, there is also less knowledge about AIDS and less awareness of the epidemic,” Vermut says. I did.
This event reminded us how painful the epidemic was and how many lives were lost. There was an altar with a skeleton and part of an AIDS memorial quilt on display. The entire quilt, made up of 50,000 panels, was digitally rendered.
But the work is not done yet. Guests such as State Sen. Scott Wiener spoke about the medical challenges expected with the Trump administration soon to enter the White House.
Wiener said he is hopeful that San Francisco will rise to whatever challenge comes its way, even without federal aid, just as it did with the AIDS epidemic.
“This community has completely wrapped itself around each other and come together to say, 'We're not going to stand by while people die. We're not going to stand by while people get sick. I'm not going to stand by and watch people get stripped of their basic human dignity,'' Wiener said.
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