Research shows CrossFit may reduce the need for prescription drugs

Crosfit Isn't it useful for getting ridiculous amounts of jacks or having some training time to show off on the box? Building functional strength, increase muscle mass and improve cardiovascular endurance.
So perhaps it's no surprise that this type of mixed-mode full-body training has been shown to potentially reduce the need for prescription drug use in people living with long-term conditions. I don't know.
Or perhaps this is surprising, given that CrossFit has a false reputation of being only for healthy, fit people. However, research results published in 2016 showed that Integrative and complementary medicinefound that many people who do CrossFit workouts had previously been diagnosed with conditions ranging from depression to chronic pain. We also looked into how CrossFit helped manage those symptoms.
Before we continue, remember that only you and your doctor know whether you should take your medication or not. Therefore, this study is not intended as a prescription.
The sport prides itself on being fun for everyone, but those with chronic illnesses can't just jump in and get through the grueling training sessions. Simply being told to exercise more without support is not the answer to managing the disease. CrossFit Boxes membership fees can be expensive. This means that there are socio-economic issues to consider when offering potential interventions for the disease.
Still, if you have a long-term condition, this study may be interesting to consider.
the study
Researchers from Nottingham Trent University and Loughborough University wanted to study CrossFit as a means of supporting chronic illness because of its focus on functional movement and a blended approach to exercise.
Training performed at a CrossFit gym benefits cardiovascular and metabolic health, brain function, body composition, blood sugar regulation, and reduces the risk of death. There are 26 million people in the UK with at least one chronic condition, which can impact on overall health and is responsible for 74% of global mortality, so it's important to keep the disease under control. Finding ways to mitigate it is critical.
To find out whether CrossFit can help people with chronic illnesses, researchers recruited 1,211 people from the UK who participated in the sport and completed a questionnaire about their health status, training, and medical care received. I received it.
The survey found the following:
- 280 people took at least one prescription medication to manage a health condition before starting CrossFit.
- The most common health conditions include anxiety and depression, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and chronic pain.
- 54% of participants who were taking prescription medications before starting CrossFit said they had reduced their dosage by more than half after starting CrossFit. This included 69 people who stopped taking the drug completely.
- Young people (20-29 years) were most likely to reduce their medication. In this group, 43% cut their prescription drug dose by more than half, and 27% stopped taking the drug altogether.
- 40% of all participants said they had fewer doctor visits since starting CrossFit.
- Seventy-one of them reported canceling or postponing surgery since starting CrossFit. Of these, 55% said it was because their symptoms improved, and 31% said they no longer needed surgery.
what this means for us
CrossFit training may help manage or improve symptoms of chronic diseases.
“While our study cannot directly prove that CrossFit caused these changes, the impact CrossFit has on so many aspects of health suggests that people who exercise regularly may not be able to take prescribed medications. “This may help explain the decline in the use of ,” said study co-author Atary. Redwood-Brown and Jen Wilson said. conversation.
The biggest ailments that improved after CrossFit were arthritis and lower back pain. This makes sense, considering that functional exercise increases muscle mass and strength, improves mobility, and, in turn, reduces pain and pressure on joints.
People with mental health conditions have been able to reduce their use of medications such as antidepressants, likely due to both the physiological and social components of sport.
“Because CrossFit is often done in groups in a gym environment, it fosters a sense of community, team spirit, and support. This sense of community can improve mental health and well-being. Exercise increases feelings of well-being. , it also releases endorphins, which are brain chemicals that reduce pain,” Redwood-Brown and Wilson explain.
Conditions related to metabolism, such as type 2 diabetes, can also be improved due to CrossFit's ability to build muscle and improve cardiovascular fitness.
Of course, you don't necessarily have to do CrossFit to get these results. Any functional, mixed-stimulation training approach that helps you become stronger, healthier, and more mobile can help improve health for everyone, including those with chronic conditions .
Functional exercise is a great way to support your body and brain in the fight against chronic disease. CrossFit in particular can be a good sport to take up because the workouts are social and focus on multiple elements of health and fitness.
If you're struggling with a health condition, there's no need to jump into an hour-long intense strength training session. Increase movement little by little and always ask for support and guidance.
If you participate in training, don't stop taking your medication just because some people in this study were successful in training. Always consult your doctor about the best way to manage your health and condition.
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