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Prenatal blood tests may indicate future cancer in the mother

Prenatal blood tests may indicate future cancer in the mother


Many expectant mothers choose to have blood tests done during pregnancy to check for diseases in the fetus, such as Down syndrome. In rare cases, these tests may reveal something unexpected, a hint of a hidden problem. cancer Among women.

In a study of 107 pregnant women with abnormal test results, 52 were ultimately diagnosed with cancer. Most of them were treated and are now in remission, but seven who had advanced cancer died.

“They looked like healthy young women and reported themselves as healthy,” said Dr. Diana Bianchi, lead author of the government study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. ” he said.

Of the cancers detected, lymphoma blood cancer was the most common, followed by colon cancer and breast cancer.

The blood test is called cell-free DNA sequencing. It looks for problems in the fetus from DNA fragments that leak from the placenta into the mother's bloodstream. It can also pick up DNA fragments released by cancer cells.

Millions of pregnant women undergo cell-free DNA tests each year, but 1 in 10,000 receive abnormal and difficult-to-interpret results that are neither positive nor negative for fetal abnormalities. This small number of people (perhaps only 250 per year in the United States) may be at risk for cancer.

“They and their caregivers need to take the results seriously and get additional testing, because there is a 48% risk of cancer in that population,” said Bianchi, who heads the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. ” he said.

This study looked at what to do next and the researchers concluded that it would be best to: whole body MRI To look for cancer. Bianchi said a physical exam and taking a family history are not enough.

About five years ago, commercial laboratories and doctors who perform these tests began telling women who had abnormal results about the study. The National Institutes of Health paid for research volunteers to travel to the research hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. There, participants had their family and medical history taken, and underwent full-body exams, full-body MRI scans, and other tests.

The study identified recognizable “very chaotic” patterns in the DNA sequences of women diagnosed with cancer, Bianchi said. research continues To find more evidence about who should be screened for cancer.

Although many medical organizations now recommend cell-free DNA testing during pregnancy, many expectant parents oppose the optional test. The test is considered reliable in detecting Down syndrome and two other conditions, but has come under intense scrutiny for too many false alarms about extremely rare fetal problems.

Dr. Neeta Vora, chair of reproductive genetics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who contributed an editorial to the journal, said the new findings can help educate doctors about rare results from DNA testing during pregnancy.

Vola said doctors caring for pregnant women are not accustomed to ordering full-body MRI scans, and these tests, which can cost $1,000 to $2,000, may not be covered by health insurance.


The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Science and Education Media Group. AP is solely responsible for all content.




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