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Dark chocolate linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes, study says

Dark chocolate linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes, study says



Eating at least five cups of dark chocolate each week may reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 21%, according to a new observational study. In fact, the study found that as the intake of dark chocolate increased from zero to five servings, the effects also increased.

But before you start eating whole chocolate bars, keep in mind that a serving is 1 ounce. dark Milk chocolate lovers are out of luck. The study found that eating milk chocolate leads to excessive weight gain over time, which is the main reason for the development of type 2 diabetes.

“Dark chocolate and milk chocolate have similar amounts of added sugar, fat, and calories, but the most important difference is that dark chocolate contains more cocoa,” said lead author, Harvard University Press. said Bingkai Liu, a doctoral student in the Department of Nutrition at the University of TH Chan Public Graduate School. health.

Cacao is a raw, less processed form of chocolate that is harvested from the Theobroma cacao tree. Cocoa contains the highest levels of flavanols, so the higher the percentage of cocoa listed on a dark chocolate bar's label, the more flavanols it contains. Flavanols act as antioxidants, reducing inflammation that can trigger or worsen chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Although this study could not prove cause and effect, high levels of flavanols The cocoa content may be the reason for the difference in impact between the two chocolates, Liu said.

“Bioactive compounds in cocoa called flavanols have been shown in animal studies and small human studies to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, all of which contribute to the pathophysiology of diabetes. ,” said Dr. Nestras Matiodakis. Co-medical director of the Diabetes Prevention and Education Program at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore.

“Therefore, it is plausible that the high flavonoid content in dark chocolate may have beneficial effects,” said Mattiodakis, who was not involved in the new study.

About 1 in 10 Americans According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many people have diabetes, and up to 95% of them are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Globally, the news is even worse. July 2023 Survey It is presumed that there is at least a possibility that it exists. 1.31 billion people have diabetes This will increase from 529 million people in 2021 to 2050.

Factors contributing to this trend include poor dietary habits, including lower physical activity levels, alcohol and tobacco use, and overreliance on ultra-processed foods.

In an observational study published in September, 10% increase in ultra-processed foods They were 17% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Chocolate can easily fall into the ultra-processed category. So do doctors actually recommend that people at risk for type 2 diabetes eat chocolate, even if it's dark in color?

“Because chocolate products are candy and contain sugar, we do not recommend consuming chocolate to improve blood sugar control. We do not know if we would make a recommendation based solely on this study,” Matiodakis said. he said.

“We recommend alternative sources, especially dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and pomegranates, apples, and tea,” he said. “Red wine also contains flavanols, but again, we don't recommend wine either.”

Published research Wednesday BMJ Journalanalyzed data from three longitudinal studies – original Nurse health surveyNurses' Health Research II, and Follow-up by a medical professional.

Study participants completed food questionnaires every four years over a 25-year period. The researchers then surveyed more than 111,000 chocolate lovers about their total consumption of dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and chocolate.

After adjusting for dietary and lifestyle risk factors, the researchers found that people who ate 1-ounce servings of all types of chocolate at least five times a week had a lower risk of eating chocolate than those who ate little or no chocolate at all. They found that the incidence of type 2 diabetes was significantly lower by 10%.

However, when considering the type of chocolate, the data did not show that consuming milk chocolate significantly reduced diabetes risk.

However, those who ate at least five servings of dark chocolate per week were shown to have a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes by 21% and did not experience the same long-term weight gain seen with milk chocolate. .

It may be best to choose fruits and vegetables

The authors note that this study has limitations. The study participants were older white adults and had relatively low chocolate consumption. Additionally, the results were inconsistent with the following conditions: December 2023 Survey As a result, no effect of cacao intake on diabetes was found.

“The authors themselves refer to a large randomized controlled trial in which 21,000 people were given 500 milligrams of cocoa flavanols, which reduced the risk of death but not diabetes,” Matiodakis said. said.

“They're not clear about why their study doesn't match that randomized controlled trial,” he added. “More randomized controlled clinical trials are needed.”

Matiodakis said there are other concerns as well. Recent research shows that dark chocolate and similar cocoa products contaminated with lead and cadmiumtwo neurotoxic metals associated with cancer, chronic disease, or reproductive and developmental problems, especially in children. Organic versions of dark chocolate are some of the best, likely due to industrial pollution in developing countries where cocoa trees are grown.

What's the deal? If you're not a chocolate fan, it's probably best to choose fruit and vegetable sources of flavonoids and leave the candy alone, Mattiodakis says. However, if you can't live without chocolate, try limiting yourself to 1 ounce of dark chocolate a few times a week.

“For everyone who loves chocolate, this is a reminder that making small choices, like choosing dark chocolate over milk chocolate, can make a positive difference in your health,” says Liu. he said.




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