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Dozens of people have died in Congo from a mysterious disease. UN experts are currently investigating

Dozens of people have died in Congo from a mysterious disease. UN experts are currently investigating


Congo, Kinshasa — The World Health Organization said Friday it was sending experts to investigate. mysterious flu-like illness Dozens of people have died in southwestern Congo in recent weeks.

“All efforts are underway to identify the cause of the disease, understand transmission routes and ensure an appropriate response as quickly as possible,” Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa, said in a statement.

Symptoms include fever, headache, cough, and anemia. Epidemiology experts from the National Rapid Response Team are in the area to collect samples and investigate the disease.

Congolese authorities have confirmed 71 deaths, 27 in hospitals and 44 in communities in the southern province of Kwango, Health Minister Roger Kamba announced Thursday.

The deaths were recorded in Panji Health District, Kwango Region between November 10 and November 25. According to the minister, there were approximately 380 cases, of which almost half were children under the age of five.

The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded slightly different numbers: 376 infections and 79 deaths. Africa CDC Director Jean Kaseya said the discrepancy was caused by problems in surveillance and case definition.

“The initial diagnosis is that it is believed to be a respiratory disease,” Kaseya said. “But we have to wait for the test results.”

The Panzi Health Zone, located about 435 miles (700 kilometers) from the capital Kinshasa, is in a remote and difficult to access area of ​​Kwango province.

Congo's health minister said it took two days for epidemiology experts to arrive. Dieudonné Mwamba, director of the National Institute of Public Health, said samples had to be transported more than 500 kilometers away to Kikwito due to a lack of testing capacity.

Mr Mwamba said Panzi was already a “vulnerable” region, with 40 per cent of residents suffering from malnutrition. Two years ago, the city was hit by a typhoid fever epidemic, and now seasonal influenza is making a comeback across the country.

Oscar Kazwa, a resident of Panaji, said his 28-year-old daughter passed away from a mysterious illness two weeks ago.

“She had a high fever, cough and vomiting and was very weak,” Kazuwa said. “She died because she didn't have proper care.”

WHO experts have joined the national rapid response team in Panaji to help respond to the outbreak. The team, made up of epidemiologists and clinicians, will deliver medicines and sample kits to help determine the cause of the disease. It also plans to work with local leaders to strengthen surveillance and promote infection prevention.

A local WHO team has been supporting health authorities in Kwango with disease surveillance since late November, the group said in a statement.

Kamba said he was not aware of any reports of the disease in health zones other than Panaji, but the WHO said in a statement on Friday that seven of Kwango province's 30 health zones have reported the disease. He said there was.




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