Plant-based drinks may not be as nutritious as milk
The global market for plant-based beverages has experienced impressive growth over the past decade, during which oat, almond, soy, and rice beverages have emerged as popular alternatives to milk in coffee and oatmeal.
A possible reason why millions of liters of plant-based drinks end up in consumers' shopping carts is because their climate footprint is often lower than that of milk. But if consumers think plant-based drinks are healthier than milk, they're wrong. This is revealed in a new study conducted by the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the University of Brescia in Italy.
In this study, researchers investigated how chemical reactions during processing affect the nutritional value of 10 plant-based beverages compared to milk. The big picture is clear.
“We definitely need to eat more plant-based foods. But if you're looking for proper nutrition and believe that plant-based drinks can replace milk, you're wrong,” says the Food Science Department. says Professor Marianne Nissen-Lund of the department. Lead author of the study.
Long shelf life even at the expense of nutrition
While milk is essentially a finished product once it comes out of the cow, oats, rice, and almonds require extensive processing to make them into drinkable beverages. Additionally, each of the plant-based drinks tested was ultra high temperature (UHT) processing is a process widely used for long-life milk around the world. In Denmark, milk is usually sold only in the refrigerated section of supermarkets and is pasteurized and subjected to milder heat treatment.
Despite increased sales of plant-based beverages, milk sales remain high. As a result, the plant-based beverage undergoes more intense heat treatment than the milk normally sold in Denmark to extend its shelf life. However, such treatment is expensive. ”
Marianne Nissen-Rand, lead study author
UHT processing causes a chemical reaction between proteins and sugars, the so-called Maillard reaction, that occurs when foods are fried or roasted at high temperatures. Among other things, this reaction affects the nutritional quality of the proteins contained in a particular product.
“The protein content of most plant-based drinks is already significantly lower than that of milk. And the lower protein content is further denatured by heat treatment. The nutritional content of plant-based drinks varies, but most have relatively low nutritional value,'' explains the professor.
For comparison, the UHT-treated milk used in the study contained 3.4 grams of protein per liter, while eight of the 10 plant-based beverages analyzed contained between 0.4 and 1.1 grams. contained protein. Levels of essential amino acids were low in all plant-based beverages. Additionally, 7 out of 10 plant-based drinks contained more sugar than milk.
Heat treatment may produce carcinogens
Heat treatment not only reduces nutritional value but also creates new compounds in plant-based beverages. One such compound, which researchers measured in four of the plant-based beverages made from almonds and oats, was found to be carcinogenic and is also found in breads, cookies, coffee beans, and fried foods such as french fries. The substance is acrylamide.
“We were surprised to find acrylamide, as it is not normally found in liquid foods. One possible source is the roasted almonds used in one of the products. The compound has been measured at very low levels, so there is no danger. However, if you ingest small amounts of this substance from various sources, it can reach levels that pose a health risk.” says.
Additionally, researchers detected alpha-dicarbonyl compounds and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in some plant-based beverages. Both are reactive substances and can be harmful to human health when present in high concentrations, which is not the case here.
Nutrition professor Lars Ove Dragsted said he wasn't particularly concerned about the study's results, but he said it does highlight how little we know about the compounds formed during food processing. I believe there is.
“The compounds that result from Maillard reactions are generally undesirable. inflammation In your body. Some of these compounds have also been linked to an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Our gut bacteria break down some of them, but there are many that we don't know about or haven't yet studied,” says Lars Ove-Dragstedt from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport. I say.
Professor Dragsted said: “This study highlights why we need to pay more attention to the effects of the Maillard reaction when developing plant-based foods and processed foods in general. The compounds identified in this study are just a few of the compounds we know about.'' Maillard reactions. ”
make your own food
Professor Marianne Nissen-Lund said the study highlights a broader problem with ultra-processed foods.
“Ideally, a green transition in the food sector should not be characterized by taking plant ingredients, ultra-processing them, and then assuming a healthy outcome. These products are neither dangerous nor clearly It's not unhealthy, but it's often not particularly nutritious for our health either.
Her advice for consumers: “In general, try to minimize your use of processed foods and beverages and prepare as much of your own food as possible. If you have a naturally healthy diet, include plant-based beverages in your diet. “Meat – Make sure you get your nutrients from other foods. ”
At the same time, Professor Lund expects the industry to do more to address these issues.
“This is a call for manufacturers to further develop their products and reconsider the scope of processing. Perhaps manufacturers should consider whether UHT processing is required or whether a shorter shelf life for the product is acceptable. Maybe you can reconsider.”
Reference magazines:
Pucci, M. and others. (2024). Study of Maillard reaction products in plant-based milk alternatives. Food Research International.
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