CDC research sheds new light on “mental health crisis” associated with coronavirus pandemics
A new CDC survey found that almost 41% of respondents suffered from mental health problems caused by pandemics. Both are related to the coronavirus pandemic itself and the physical distance and home ordering measures in place to prevent it. ..
“The markedly higher prevalence of mental and behavioral health conditions associated with the COVID-19 pandemics underscores the widespread effects of pandemics and the need for prevention and treatment of these conditions.” The CDC researcher wrote in the report.
The study found that 40.9% of respondents reported at least one mental or behavioral health condition.
- 31% said they experienced symptoms of anxiety or depression,
- 26% said they experienced symptoms of trauma or stressor-related disorders,
- 13% said they started or increased drug use,
- Eleven percent say they have been serious about suicide in the last 30 days.
Not everyone has these mental health issues equally.
For example, a study shows that more than half of the respondents below report at least one mental or behavioral health condition.
- 18-24 years, 75%
- Adult unpaid caregivers, 67%;
- Reported that less than 66% of high school diplomas.
- Mandatory workers, 54%;
- 25-44 years old, 52%.
An even higher proportion of people reported receiving treatment for their existing mental health condition.
The study also showed that the proportion of survey respondents who reported seriously considering suicide within 30 days prior to completing the study also varied between subgroups. The percentage was significantly higher between:
- Adult self-reported unpaid caregivers, 31%;
- 18-24 years, 26%;
- Mandatory workers, 22%;
- Hispanic respondents, 19%;
- Black respondents, 15%.
Overall, the researchers found that symptoms of mental or behavioral health differed significantly between subgroups, while adult unpaid caregivers experienced the worst.
“Adult unpaid caregivers, many of whom now provide significant assistance to those at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19, have a higher incidence of mental and behavioral health than others. It was expensive,” the researchers wrote.
“While this study did not evaluate unpaid caregivers for children, approximately 39% of adult unpaid caregivers shared households with their children (compared to 27% of other respondents). Caregiver workload, especially in multigenerational caregivers, should be considered for the future assessment of mental health, given the results of this report and the difficulties that caregivers may face.”
This survey had some limitations, including being based on self-reported information from online surveys. Bias can occur if respondents do not respond honestly about depression symptoms, drug use, suicidal ideation, and other mental health topics. ..
“Adults are not okay in America”
“We are in August, which is almost 6,000 biopsies from June,” he said. “There is a mental health crisis as a result of this pandemic.”
Looking ahead, Duckworth will follow up on what some people (such as essential workers and caregivers) who may have a greater impact on the mental health of a pandemic do not have a particular experience. He said he was interested in reviewing the update mental health symptoms compared to peers reporting symptoms.
Duckworth also found that the new findings are consistent with previous studies, and that symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders increased significantly in the United States from April to June compared to the same time last year-Spirit The number of calls to the U.S. alliance on illness has risen, he said.
“If you are the director of state policy, you are a member of mental health, you need to know this information when you carry out your health plan. There is a whole subset of people-caregivers, people with pre-existing conditions, Colored races, essential workers-these people will need mental health support,” Duckworth said. “This is part of the human experience here with your fellow Americans.”
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