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Novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) dramatically increases the risk of developing ME/CFS

Novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) dramatically increases the risk of developing ME/CFS



Researchers have uncovered an alarming overlap between the symptoms of COVID-19, ME/CFS, and severe and long-lasting COVID-19, leading to better diagnosis and Looking for a care strategy.

Incidence and prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis after COVID-19 infection: report from the observational RECOVER-adult study. Image credit: CKA / ShutterstockIncidence and prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis after COVID-19 infection: Report from the Observational RECOVER-Adult Study. Image credit: CKA / Shutterstock

In recent research, General Internal Medicine Journal We investigated the occurrence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

A US research team used data from the RECOVER-Adult study to assess the prevalence and incidence of ME/CFS in individuals recovering from COVID-19, identify key symptoms, and reduce the risk of infection. Comparisons were made with non-infected individuals to better understand the situation. -Health effects of the new coronavirus.


Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating disease often caused by infection. Research shows that certain viruses, such as Epstein-Barr virus and Ross River virus, can cause ME/CFS, which is characterized by chronic fatigue, post-exertional malaise, cognitive impairment, and lack of restful sleep. Shown.

With the global emergence of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), there is growing concern about its long-term health effects, collectively referred to as post-coronavirus acute sequelae (PASC) or long-term coronavirus. Concerns are growing. Studies have found that fatigue is a common symptom in people with long-term coronavirus infections, along with cognitive problems and post-exertional fatigue. diagnosis ME/CFS.

Despite this overlap, data quantifying the incidence of ME/CFS post-COVID-19 remain limited. This knowledge gap hinders comprehensive understanding and management of ME/CFS in post-COVID-19 patients. Additionally, the identification of PASC symptom clusters highlights a wide range of symptom burdens, including one particularly severe cluster associated with ME/CFS. Investigating these associations is also essential to guide medical strategies, improve diagnostic criteria, and develop interventions targeting this complex and multifaceted condition.

About research

For the current study, the team used data from the RECOVER-Adult cohort, part of a longitudinal observational study conducted across 83 institutions in the United States. Subjects included adults diagnosed with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and uninfected controls.

Participants were enrolled within 1 month of infection (acute infection), participants enrolled 30 days later (post-acute infection), and non-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 test negative. They were divided into three groups: infected participants. In this study, patients with pre-existing ME/CFS were excluded.

Researchers collected data using self-reported symptoms and comorbidities recorded during study visits every three months. Diagnosis of ME/CFS is based on Institute of Medicine (IOM) clinical criteria, and a positive diagnosis includes persistent fatigue, post-exertional malaise, restless sleep, and cognitive or orthostatic symptoms lasting more than 6 months. It is considered a necessary condition. Additionally, specific questionnaires were used to assess symptom severity, including assessment of cognitive impairment.

The study also identified four distinct symptom clusters, ranging from mild to severe, among PASC participants. The most symptomatic group, cluster 4, includes severe post-exertional malaise, fatigue, cognitive impairment, and other symptoms, closely matching ME/CFS. Most ME/CFS cases fell into this cluster.

Additionally, this study used statistical analyzes such as propensity score matching to minimize bias between infected and uninfected cohorts. The incidence of ME/CFS was calculated by comparing new diagnoses in acutely infected individuals with diagnoses in matched controls.

Percentage of infected and uninfected participants with ME/CFS symptoms

Percentage of infected and uninfected participants with ME/CFS symptoms

Main findings

The results showed that SARS-CoV-2 infection significantly increases the risk of developing ME/CFS. Among infected participants, 4.5% had symptoms consistent with diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS at 6 months postinfection, significantly higher than the 0.6% observed in uninfected controls. Ta.

Furthermore, the incidence rate per 100 person-years of acute infection was 2.66, which was also significantly higher than the incidence rate of 0.93 observed in uninfected participants.

The most common symptom among infected people was fatigue after exercise, reported by 24% of participants. Other frequently reported symptoms include cognitive impairment, unrefreshing sleep, and fatigue, all of which are consistent with diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS. Furthermore, the prevalence of symptoms was significantly higher in post-acute participants than in acute cases, highlighting the progressive nature of post-infection symptoms.

Eighty-nine percent of participants diagnosed with post-COVID-19 ME/CFS were also classified as having long-term COVID-19, with the majority assigned to PASC cluster 4, the most symptomatic subgroup. Ta. This highlights the potential overlap between severe PASC and post-COVID-19 ME/CFS.

The study reported a four-fold increased risk of developing ME/CFS in people infected with SARS-CoV-2 compared to uninfected people. The findings also highlighted the importance of recognizing ME/CFS as a serious sequela after COVID-19 infection and implementing targeted medical interventions.


Overall, this study suggested that SARS-CoV-2 infection significantly increases the likelihood of developing ME/CFS, especially in individuals with long-lasting symptoms of the coronavirus. The results also showed that COVID-19 patients were at higher risk for ME/CFS if they were older, female, or had pre-existing conditions related to pain.

The study authors noted several limitations, including reliance on self-reported symptoms, possible recall bias, and exclusion of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. However, these limitations were balanced by the study's rigorous methodology, including early enrollment and frequent follow-up.

These findings highlight the need for early recognition of ME/CFS symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection, improved diagnostic criteria, and comprehensive care strategies to address this debilitating condition.

Reference magazines:

  • Vernon, SD, Zheng, T, Do, H, Marconi, VC, Jason, LA, Singer, NG, Natelson, BH, Sherif, ZA, Bonilla, HF, Taylor, E, Marrington, JM, Ashkutlab, H. , Raiemo, Adeyinka O., Brim, H., Patterson, T.F., Akintonwa, T.T., Sekhar, A., Peluso, M.J., Mania, N., and Bateman, L. (2025). Incidence and prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis after COVID-19 infection: report from the observational RECOVER-adult study. General Internal Medicine Journal. DOI:10.1007/s11606024092909,




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