Sweden research has revealed the gap between pain management in premature births.

Swedish researchers emphasize the need to improve married pain evaluation.
study: Very premature birth child -equivalent, cause, evaluation, and treatment. Nationwide cohort research。 Image Credit: Ratchhat/
Study of the nationwide Sweden published in the journal pain The cause and treatment will be exposed to these vulnerable newborns, causes, and treatment. With more than four years of detailed data, researchers emphasized the gaps in care and proposed a way to manage better pain.
Infant pain
Every year, many millions of premature births arrive early, facing unique issues. The most concerned is the vulnerability against pain because their immature nervous system amplifies the risks related to medical treatment.
Research has shown that repeated pain exposure at a serious development stage to confuse brain development, which leads to potential long -term cognitive, psychological, and physical difficulties.
Current neonatal care focuses on reducing these risks, but it is especially difficult to evaluate the pain of premature births. Their subtle pain reactions may be difficult to interpret, which often lead to diagnosis.
However, existing research on the pain in newborns does not provide a wider understanding of the illness of pain and treatment, but focuses mainly on isolated procedures. Furthermore, such studies remain underestimated with premature births. Better understanding of infant pain is important to purify newborn care and minimize the harmful results of this vulnerable group.
Current research
To deal with the gap between knowledge, Sweden's cohort research analyzed the illness, cause, evaluation, and treatment of very premature births born during 22 and 31 weeks of pregnancy.
The study covers a total of 185,000 newborn care, using data in the Swedish newborn quality registration book, including 3,686 infants discharged from the hospital from January 2020 to June 2024.
Researchers have focused on multiple dimensions of newborn pain, including painful, exposure to procedures, using pain evaluation tools, and pharmacological intervention. Pain evaluation is recorded daily by newborn care staff based on observing behavior and medical treatment.
In this study, we analyzed potentially painful procedures such as respiratory support, treatment of respiratory orbitals, tracheal intubation, surgical intervention, and skin puncture. In addition, we have identified the illness rate and management strategy tendency to use data on the age of pregnancy and after birth. Infants were classified into two -week pregnancy intervals to evaluate the differences between pain experience and treatment approaches.
In addition, researchers have examined the relevance of pharmacological treatment, including local, oral cavity, muscle, and intravenous methods, and the age of pregnancy.
The purpose of this study is to visualize the pain patterns of newborns, identify the gap between clinical clinical treatment, and improve the results. However, the caregiver had only answered whether the baby had experienced pain within the past 24 hours, so the reported daily pain or severity was not determined.
Important survey results
This study confirmed that premature births frequently experienced pain. In this study, 90 % of premature births (born in 22 to 23 weeks) have been painful, and many people have a painful intervening with almost daily pain in the first month of life. I understand that I needed it.
However, the pain document was remarkably low, and only 45 % of these infants reported pain. This confirms the task of recognizing and recording the pain of newborn care.
Researchers have also observed that despite the fact that they have experienced the most painful procedures, the smallest infants are the lowest percentage of morphine treatment and are concerned about the possibility of treatment.
Medical experts aim to minimize pain, but the research results suggest that the current pain easing strategy may not be completely effective for the most vulnerable infants.
The evaluation of pain is not consistent. In this study, it was found that caregivers were recording pain every day, but the effectiveness of evaluating the specific scale used and the pain of newborns is necessary. Press release emphasizes the need for better evaluation scales and physiological methods to make pain properly recognized and treated.
In addition, the survey results clarify the regional and time fluctuations of pain management, and a larger medical area reports the high pain and treatment rate.
This study emphasized the importance of customized pregnancy -age strategies to ensure effective pain management in premature births and reduce the risk of long -term development.
As a whole, this study emphasized the extensive pain experienced by a very premature birth, and contradictions in the evaluation and treatment of pain. Despite the progress of neonatal care, the gap remains in recognizing and managing pain effectively.
The results of the survey are seeking a standardized pregnancy -specific protocol to improve pain management and ultimately reduce developmental and long -term health risks related to untreated neonatal pain.
Journal Reference:
Graham, H., Razaz, N., Håkansson, S., Blomqvist, Ylvathernström, Johansson, K., Person, M., NYHOLM, A. , & Norman, M. (9900). Very premature birth child -equivalent, cause, evaluation, and treatment. Nationwide cohort research. pain。 Doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003528。 ,_causes ,.802.aspx
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