The key to healthy aging? Exercise may be the answer

Despite overwhelming advantages, physical activity is not used in clinical care in the elderly.
study: More movements, age: prescription for physical activity for the elderly。 Image Credit: NDAB Creativity /
Recent research announced in Canadian Medical Association Journal Explore the health benefits of physical activity for the elderly.
How does physical activity reduce mortality?
In 2025, it is expected that about 20 % of Canadians will be 65 or older, and the number of elderly people aged 85 and over will increase tripled by 2045. Approximately 66 % of Canadian elderly people live in two or more chronic diseases, reducing the quality of these elderly people.
Each week for at least five days, the middle -aged physical activity of 30 minutes reduces the risk of death from all causes by 31 %, and these health benefits increase over the more periodic periods of physical activity. Alternatively, the low level of physical activity is that by conducting a 1 hour or 30 -60 -minute resistance movement per week, each one or 30 to 60 minutes, and the risk of individual death is 27 % and each. Reduce 10-20 %.
Cardiopulmonary fitness and peak athletic ability are related to a decline in individual mortality rate of 60 years old. In fact, peak athletic capabilities reflect more accurately cardiovascular risk than conventional risk factors such as hypertension, smoking, and diabetes.
Peak oxygen consumption (VO2) is a strong indicator of mortality. The improvement of VO2 is observed by the elderly who have completed the middle 90 minutes per week for 16 to 20 weeks. The improvement of hand grip strength, which is a general endpoint of strength evaluation, is related to a decrease in mortality from any cause of the elderly.
Physical activity and healthy aging
Physical activity promotes functional independence. Elderly people who are physically fit can make daily life (ADL) more easily performed. Physical activity has also been shown to improve cognitive function, social identity, and quality of life.
Physical activity, including strength training, supports muscle strength and mobility and prevents frail. Therefore, the current recommendation is advised for all elderly people to maintain normal physical activities to promote the strength, coordination, and balance of bones and muscles.
Pilates and other core -strengs exercises are less affected, can be adapted to both individuals or group settings, and requires minimal space or special equipment. These workouts promote balance, strength, flexibility, and overall functions, which reduce the risk of falling the elderly.
Physical activity can also prevent and alleviate changes and symptoms related to deformed arthritis. This affects 20 % of Canadians over 65 years old. Multiple components, including aerobic, weight training, and vibration throughout the body, can also prevent bone loss, along with healthy diets and pharmacotherapy as needed.
One in three elderly Americans reports every fall. However, existing evidence suggests that long -term exercise programs can reduce the risk of falling 21 %. Elderly people with neurological or cardiovatic diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), can benefit from the stability of the posture given by physical activity. However, an additional study is required to confirm this relationship.
Patients with a high risk of falling should be individualized and gradually needed an advanced exercise schedule. Active walking may not be recommended for these patients, but high -strength interval training with necessary precautionary measures is thought to be safe and tolerated.
Benefits of cognitive
Physical activity improves the hormone composition of the brain and vascularity, reducing inflammatory cytokines. As a result, physical activity improves cognitive function, reverses the progress from mild to severe dementia, and prevents mild cognitive impairment.
With nearly 600,000 Canadians suffering from dementia in 2020, it is necessary to recognize and use the role of physical activity in protecting brain health.
Reduction of chronic diseases
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is important to have intense physical activity from the middle of 150 to 300 minutes a week, and to improve the balance three times a week with the resistance movement twice a week.
Physical activity has been shown to prevent heart failure, coronary arterial disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and osteoporosis. In addition, physical activity can reduce the severity of existing diseases by improving functional independence and reducing the number of drugs and treatments required.
Despite these advantages, physical activities are not usually prescribed to patients. In fact, in the current estimation, more than 80 % of adults Canadian physical activity guidelines。
Quality of higher life
Physical activity and athletic groups can prevent loneliness, promote the release of endorphins, which can improve the mood of the elderly and the overall mental health. In long -term care institutions, physical activity has a positive effect on depression, anxiety, and self -esteem.
Elderly people who exercise regularly have improved their quality of life, even if they are suffering from depression or depression. The increase in time spending outdoors during exercise such as walking or swimming further enhances the effects of physical activity that can be on mood and anxiety.
Promote physical activity for the elderly
The WHO has released a five -stage framework to advertise a PA called “5AS”. In this framework, the status of physical activity is evaluated, risk and contraindicated, advice on what kind of physical activity and how to reduce sitting behavior, and support support strategies. Determine each individual's appropriate goal and place it as follows. -up visit.
You can select and customize your home or group exercise programs based on the patient's preference. Talking about the importance of physical activity with people of the same age encourages the elderly to start and maintain physical activity for a long time, more effectively than they do.
Sufficient utilization of physical activity
If there is no guidance from a clinician, additional research is required to evaluate the parent Relative Effective Follow -up tools such as Vital Sign evaluation or incorporating PA into the time passing or incorporating the EHEALTH tool. In order to avoid patient injuries and deterioration of chronic diseases, you may use screening tools such as physical activity preparation questionnaire, and then your doctor may continue to be evaluated.
Age, weakness, or existing functional disabilities should not be considered an absolute contraindications for physical activity, and should not be regarded as an important reason to prescribe it.。 “
Journal Reference:
- THORNTON, JS, MORLEY, WN, & Sinha, SK (2025). More movements, age: prescription for physical activity for the elderly. Canadian Medical Association Journal。 Doi: 10.1503/cmaj.231336。
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