Veterinarians also say pets are at risk of developing melioidosis after flooding
A North Queensland veterinarian says “our animals are at risk” of the potentially deadly soilborne bacteria that killed 14 people this year.
Townsville veterinarian Campbell Costello treats cases of disease in a pet in North Queensland.
“This isn't an animal that means you just gave me a prescription for drugs and broke it outside the door,” said Dr. Costello.
“It's a very difficult disease to treat.”
Melioidosis is caused by bacteria in the soil and is particularly prevalent during the rainy season in the northern part of the country.
Campbell Costello says treatment for the disease is relatively difficult. (ABC News: Cameron Simmons))
Dr. Costello said the recent floods in the area provide optimal conditions for bacteria to thrive, increasing the risk of infection.
He said humans and animals get bacteria in the same way.
“[Animals] Cut, through contaminated water droplets, and it can be obtained through direct contact. Or a large gust of wind can pick up bacteria-wrapped soil, inhaling it, or put it in a compromised area.“
Treatment of infected animals includes a strict regime of antibiotics and intense supportive care over a period of 2-3 weeks, depending on the severity.
“We had a dog in the clinic recently and we had a skin lesion, an abscess. We really didn't know what we were dealing with unless our lab confirmed that,” said Dr. Costello.
Taleta Hompas (right) suspects that melioidosis in pets is more common than previously thought. (Supply: NQ Care))
Veterinarian Tareta Honpass ran a 24-hour clinic in Townsville, treating two dogs for melioidosis a few weeks after the flood.
“We'd expect there will be more cases out there,” she said.
“It's probably much more common than we're aware.”
What should I see
Both Dr. Costello and Dr. Honpus described the disease as “a great pretender” because the signs and symptoms of pets may be ambiguous.
Dr. HOMPAS said symptoms include respiratory illness, lethargy, fever, loss of appetite, urinary tract infections, neurological signs and joint weakness.
“It can exist anything,” she said.
Leptospirosis bacteria have also been diagnosed Many North Queensland pets since the flood.
However, unlike leptospirosis, there is no vaccine to prevent melioidosis in pets.
Pet owners are urged to stay vigilant to protect their furry friends from melioidosis. (ABC North QLD: Cameron Simmons))
A North Queensland veterinarian said it may be difficult to detain pets from potential sources, but pet owners should be vigilant.
“Take your pets away from muddy floods and stagnant water sources,” Dr. Hoppus said.
Prevention is better than cures, but Dr. Costello said it's important to visit a local veterinarian if you notice anything unusual about your pet.
“The sooner you come, the more you come, the more you get it, the more you get it. [a vet] That would change the prognosis as to whether we can ride the disease or not,” he said.
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