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Eating ultra-processed foods can harm your intestines – here's how inflammation is maintained

Eating ultra-processed foods can harm your intestines – here's how inflammation is maintained



New research reveals how ultra-processed foods can cause inflammation and destroy intestinal bacteria, which could promote diabetes, cancer and neurological diseases. There is a reason why you might rethink your diet.

ImageForNews_804152_17412907593097090 study: The harmful effects of ultraprocessed foods on human gut microbiota and gut barriers.. Image credit: rimma bondarenko/

Ultra-High-Treated Foods (UPFS) have a negative effect on the balance of the gut microbial microbiome by promoting a proinflammatory environment, reducing microbial diversity, and increasing intestinal permeability. recently Nutrients Researchers will further explore the effects of UPFS on intestinal permeability and microbiota.

Characteristics of UPFS

UPF is defined as an industrial formulation with five or more ingredients, including additives, sugar, oils, fats, salts and preservatives. They often lack dietary fiber, which is important for digestive system and microbiota health.

Several industrial procedures have been used in the production of UPFS to ensure long shelf life and increase taste, texture and convenience. For example, the Mailard reaction is a common processing technique that improves sensory attributes such as color, flavor, and texture. However, Maillard reaction products may potentially function as oxidants and carcinogens.

Extrusion is another method that can lead to lipid oxidation, followed by the decomposition of unsaturated fatty acids and the formation of free radicals. Hydrogenation, which is usually used when making margarine, can increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels.

Those who eat meals later that day are more likely to consume UPF than those who eat the early days. In fact, one recent meta-analysis reported how UPFS intake adversely affects sleep duration and quality regardless of age.

The adverse effects of UPFS on the gut microbiota

Intake of UPFS may lead to proinflammatory microbial strains and reduced microbial α-diversity in the intestine. UPF intake has also been shown to reduce the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and other protected gastrointestinal metabolites. These changes in the gut microbiota can be linked together with systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are distinctive features of a variety of chronic diseases.

Compared to individuals who consume low amounts of UPF, those who consume large amounts of UPF exhibit higher levels of potentially harmful bacteria in their microbiota. Granulicatella, Blautia, Carnobacteriaceae, and Bacteroideaye. Higher UPF consumption is also associated with lower levels Rose Buria and Rachnospiraboth generate SCFA.

Emulsifiers used in UPFS can prevent the growth of beneficial bacteria Anti-inflammatory Properties that can increase intestinal permeability and bacterial translocation into blood flow. Many UPFs are also high in saturated fat, which can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

High-fat diets can lead to lower levels Eubacterium Rectale, Bacteroides, Verrucomicrobia, Bifidobacterium, and Clostridium coccoides, As with larger proliferation Sturdy Proteobacteriaand proinflammatory cytokines. Saturated fat also promotes excessive lipid accumulation in the liver and hyperinsulinemia.

Human health and UPF-induced externality


UPF-induced microbiota changes have been shown to increase the risk of individuals developing cardiometabolic disease. For example, a larger ratio Sturdy In Bacteroides It affects the impact Development of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Furthermore, individuals who consume diets rich in UPFS show a lower presence Akkermansia Muciniphilaimproving insulin levels, sensitivity, and weight control.

Inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), occurs due to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. imbalance of Intestinal microbiota Patients with IBD may increase the permeability of intestinal barriers and increase the activation of the immune system.

The colon of both CD and UC patients is often characterized by reduced α-divers and low levels of anti-inflammatory bacterial species. Rose Buria Bubria Hominis and Akermansia Muciniphila. In IBD patients, alterations in bile acid metabolism, SCFA production, and tryptophan metabolism can lead to increased intestinal inflammation.


The Western diet is an important factor that contributes to the increased incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC-associated classification is characterized by loss of anti-inflammatory bacteria, reduced microbiota diversity, and increased pathogenicity.

Among the major species involved in both adenomas and CRC bacteroides fragilis, fusobacterium nucleatum, and Parvimonas Micra. These carcinogenic bacteria can produce a variety of metabolites, including reactive oxygen species and toxins that can cause DNA damage.


Cognitive function and mental health are closely related to the composition of the gut microbiota via the gut brain axis. Changes in the gut microbiota can lead to psychopathological conditions such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Patients with major depressive disorders often exhibit reduced gut microbiota richness and diversity. Bacteroidetes, hard, actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria.


Additional research is needed to determine the mechanisms in which UPFS consumption leads to enterointosis and other chronic diseases. Nevertheless, the findings underscore the need for stricter regulations to ban the production of UPFS and implement detailed labeling of foods containing UPFS.

Journal Reference:

  • Rondinella, D., Raoul, P.C., Valeriani, E. et al. (2025) The harmful effects of ultraprocessed foods on human gut microbiota and gut barriers. Nutrients 17(5), 859. 2:10.3390/nu17050859.




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