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Experts warn of the threat of measles outbreak in Houston

Experts warn of the threat of measles outbreak in Houston



Pathologists have warned of the vulnerability of measles in Houston amid the West Texas outbreak.

Houston – Pathologists raised concerns about Houston's vulnerability to the present Measles outbreak It spreads to West Texas during a virtual media briefing held by the American College of Pathologists on Thursday.

Despite reporting 222 measles cases nationwide in 2025 so far in 208 confirmed cases in Texas and New Mexico, health professionals warn that even areas with high overall vaccination rates could face local outbreaks.

Related: Interactive Map: See Measles Vaccination Rates at Your School

“There's a pocket. There's going to be a group of people there. [the vaccination rate] explained Dr. Ben Bradley, an assistant professor at the University of Utah and medical director at the RTP Institute. “And if someone is having a school event with someone in this population, if they are doing a social event, this could be at risk of infection like this kind of thing even if it passes.

Experts highlighted that effective herd immunity against measles, one of the most infectious viruses known, requires a 95% vaccination rate. According to Dr. Bradley, the virus is significantly more contagious than both the flu and Covid-19, and nine out of the 10 people who are more likely to contract measles after exposure can develop measles.

The outbreak started Mennonite Community in West Texasspreading to Oklahoma and New Mexico, with additional incidents reported in Pennsylvania and New York. Dr. Donald Culture, president of the American College of Pathologists, reminded attendees that measles was eliminated as a sensitive infectious disease in the US community in 2000, especially the current outbreak.

“Occurrences like those currently in Texas and New Mexico are very unusual because so many patients are infected,” Dr. Karcher said.

Measles usually presents with fever, cough, conjunctivitis and a distinctive rash. However, Dr. Bradley noted that even before the rash was developed, patients were highly contagious and complicated containment efforts. The disease can cause severe complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis, and a rare but uniformly fatal condition called subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis, which can develop a number of years after infection.

Two deaths have already been reported. One was confirmed in a suspected case in New Mexico with a child who has not been vaccinated in Texas. This mortality rate is higher than the typical mortality rate per 1,000 infections seen in countries with developed health systems.

“Before the vaccine became widely used in the 1960s, an average of 500,000 Americans were infected per year,” Dr. Karcher said it was translated into about 500 deaths per year from measles.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that vaccinations remain the most effective protection against measles, especially for vulnerable populations such as children under the age of 5 who face substantially high risk of death. Clinical tests can confirm current infections and determine the immune status of people who are uncertain about the history of vaccination.

The briefing concluded with experts who emphasized the importance of community outreach and finding reliable messengers to promote vaccination, particularly in communities with high vaccine reluctance.




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