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Yes, allergy seasons are getting longer. This is the reason

Yes, allergy seasons are getting longer. This is the reason



Climate Central announced new numbers this month, showing an increase in days without freezing.

Atlanta – Do you feel like you sneeze your calendar every spring? You are not alone! The actual season of allergies teeth It's growing longer than ever.

You can attribute that growth to a warmer climate. The number of days without freezing nationwide is increasing.

new data Released by a nonprofit organization Climate Central Look at the length of 198 cities across the country and the days without freezing since 1970. They found that 87% of cities had positive growth over 54 years.

Some of the biggest growth was throughout the western United States. The map below shows an average change of more than 24 days since 1970. At the top of the chart is Reno, Nevada, where the number of days without freezing since 1970 increased by 70% from 112 to 190 days.


Crossing the southeast, the average increase was 18 days. But every city is different. The total length of Macon has been reduced by 10 days. Augusta saw its growth over six days.

In Atlanta, its growth was much more defined. During the period of growth, there are more than 36 days since the survey window began in 1970.

Part of this growth in the growth season can be attributed to a warming climate. For places like Atlanta, part of this growth is also due to a significant expansion of urban and urban heat island effects. This is when parts of the city are warmer than others, both during the day and at night due to high concentrations of buildings, asphalt and concrete.


When do you take allergy medications?

With Dr. Lily Fan Atlanta allergies and asthma She says she sees the difference every year.

“It's really interesting because every year we tell patients it comes early and sees it. And now there's research showing that we're increasing allergy days.”

For her patients, Dr. Fan must tell them to start seasonal allergy medications early each year.

“We'd previously say, 'Oh, April is fine.' Then we'll say it starts in mid-March, and now we're saying, 'Um, you probably need to start in mid-February' to cover yourself in an era when pollen is really high.

Spring pollen levels are highest in hardwood trees. Dr. Fan says they may not be as visible as big yellow pine pollen to you, but because of their small size, they are a major trigger for irritating allergic symptoms such as sneezing, itching and itching.

Related: Let's take a look at the record pollen counts in Atlanta and how it was determined

Around it A quarter of adults and The fifth child In the US, people suffer from seasonal allergies. If you're one of them, Dr. Fan says some over-the-counter medications can help.

How to deal with allergic symptoms: This is the medicine you should take

“I think it depends on the type of symptoms you have,” she advised.

“Let's say there's a nasal traffic and there are lots of congestive symptoms. You can use nasal sprays and nasal sprays,” she recommended. “If you have itchy itchy itchy skin that comes with all the allergies you have may want to use antihistamines.”

And you have an IV of antihistamines. Dr. Fan warns against red eye drops, if it's your preferred way to soothe itchy eyes.

“I'm cautious of people trying to use the red eyes on the market because I don't want to use anything that you can get a break-off,” she warned. “I would like to take note of hives that are sometimes used, especially those like Afrin, as long as they can cause withdrawal symptoms if used for too long.”

If you can't find the right treatment or if you think your child is suffering from a seasonal allergy, check out allergies that you can run tests to find the best path.

“I absolutely recommend talking to kids, especially allergists who can help,” advised Dr. Huang. “You identify the best dosage and most effective for your child.”

When will the allergy season improve?

Tree pollen season peaks in northern Georgia in early April and begins to step completely down in early May…just in time for grass pollen to hike in the summer.




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