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Insomnia can lead to heart problems. Psychologists share tips for better sleep.

Insomnia can lead to heart problems. Psychologists share tips for better sleep.



About 10% of Americans say they have Chronic insomniaand millions report poor sleep quality. Ongoing research We discovered that poor sleep can lead to many health problems, Including heart disease.

Dr. Giulio Fernandez Mendoza He is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral health, neuroscience and public health sciences at Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He discusses the need for sleep, why teenagers need more sleep than adults, and why they can sleep soundly without medication.

This conversation, in collaboration with Sciline, brought highlights from discussions compiled for brevity and clarity.

How much sleep is sufficient for adults and adolescents?

Giulio Fernandez Mendoza: Adults reporting about 7-8 hours of acquisition sleep Typically per night Best Healthfrom both physical and mental health, and from a longevity perspective.

But the recommendation It changes with age. Adults over 65 may just need it 6-7 hours of sleep overnight. Therefore, older people should not be worried if they are getting only six hours if they are otherwise healthy. Young people Most necessary – At least 9 hours – And some young children may need more.

How can lack of sleep harm our health?

Fernandez Mendoza: Our team was the first to show people who were unhappy with insomnia – they had difficulty falling or staying asleep – likely to have high blood pressure; There is a risk of heart disease.

We found that insomnia and shortened sleep can be increased in both teens and adults Stress, hormone levels, inflammation. These problems tend to appear Before developing heart disease.


With age, the recommended decrease in sleep will decrease.

National Sleep Foundation

What about people with more serious sleep problems?

Fernandez Mendoza: Good sleep hygiene habits Include reducing caffeine and alcohol, stop smoking and exercise regularly. I also recommend not skipping meals, not eating too much late at night, and not eating too much.

However, people with persistent sleep problems may need to change their behavior more. Research refers to Set of 6 rules It can improve your sleep. You can track these changes consistently in the short term and choose how to adapt them to your future lifestyle.

First of all, no matter what happens, it will happen at the same time. No matter how much sleep you sleep. This will invoke the sleep/wake cycle Your Circadian Rhythm.

Secondly, do not use your bed for anything other than sleep or sexual activity.

Third, if you can't sleep, don't wake up and lie in bed. Instead, get out of bed, go to another room if possible for fun or relaxing activities. When you're ready to go to bed, go back to bed.

Fourth, even after you're not sleeping at night, start your daily activities. Don't try to make up for your sleep loss. If you have chronic insomnia, do not nap, sleep or fall asleep day or night, even after the nightly lack of sleep.

Fifth, only sleep when you are sleepy enough to actually fall asleep.

And sixth, start with the amount of sleep you're getting now – at the lowest limit of 5 hours – and increase it by 15 minutes each week.

These six rules are evidence-based and go beyond simple sleep hygiene habits. If they're not working, meet a provider who can help you.

Any advice for young people?

Fernandez Mendoza: Puberty is a unique developmental period. It's not just the obvious physical, emotional and behavioral changes that occur during adolescence and adolescence. Teenager brain changes It can change their sleep patterns.

As puberty goes through puberty, their internal clock changes and their sleep schedule changes Shift to a later time. It is true that adolescents are engaged at night due to social relationships, but there is also biology behind why they want to stay late – their internal clock has changed. It's not just a choice.

School start times for most young people It is in conflict with that biological change.. Therefore, they do not get enough sleep, which affects their performance at school. Research suggests that Schools with a later start time It'll be closer Consistent with the science of child development And we do not put a young man at risk by waking him or her earlier than he or she is biologically leaning.

Parents can help Their teens sleep better. Set a time for the kids to stop their homework, Clean up your electronic devices. Instead, they can watch TV with their families.

You can also gradually revert your awakening time. Start on weekends and wake up 30 minutes early every day, including on class days, until your child reaches the desired awakening time. Don't try to rebuild them all of a sudden, for example, awakening teenagers at 5am like the military – because it doesn't work. They are in conflict with their internal clock, so they are not used to it. So, do it little by little. If that doesn't work, check out our clinical provider.

What treatment can a sleep clinician offer?

Fernandez Mendoza: People need to get help if they feel they are sleeping poorly, if they are tired during the day, or if they eat or grind their teeth. All of these issues are worth noting.

Some people may think that sleep providers are just prescribing expensive medications, but that's not true. There are behavioral, non-drug-based treatments that work. Cognitive behavioral therapy is Recommended first-line treatment for insomnia. Light therapy may also be helpful Using a bright light therapy lamp Depending on the person's sleep problem, day or night, at a specific time.

Please take a look Complete interview To hear more.

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