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CDC confirms that black foot mites in humans can cause red meat allergies

CDC confirms that black foot mites in humans can cause red meat allergies



A Maine woman developed a dangerous meat allergy after a black foot mites bite. This has been reconsidered that it can employ CDC and cause alphagal syndrome. The 10-year case suggests that the threat is wider than it was believed at one time.

Dispatch: Alphagal syndrome after tick bite and statewide surveillance of scapularis, Maine, Maine, USA, 2014–2023. Image credit: Aleksei Ruzhin / ShutterstockExpedited shipping: Alphagal syndrome after Ixodes scapularis Tick Bite and Statewide Surveillance, Maine, Maine, USA, 2014–2023. Image credit: Aleksei Ruzhin / Shutterstock

A recent temporary work published in the journal New infectious diseasesResearchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Main CDC), the University of North Carolina, and other institutions reviewed and established Maine case studies. ixodes scapularis As a potential carrier for Alpha-Gal syndrome (AGS). They retrospectively evaluated positive α-gal-specific IgE test results and case records collected over a decade (2014–2023) as part of strengthening surveillance. They found that at least 23 Maine residents similarly acquired syndrome from unknown or potentially non-loan star tick exposure, highlighting the need for increased surveillance and doctor consultations for bites from other mites species.


Alpha-view syndrome, colloquially known as “mammalian meat allergy” or “mites chewing meat allergy,” is a severe allergic reaction (hypersensitivity) to the disaccharide galactose-1,3-galactose (α-gal), which is commonly found in mammalian meat products.

Symptoms include rash, hives, nausea or vomiting, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, dizziness or faintness, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, and rarely anaphylaxis.

AGS is usually triggered after a bite from a lonely star tick. Amblyomma Americanumespecially in the United States. The spatial distribution of syndromes is strongly correlated with the geographical distribution of Lone Startic.

especially, Ixodes Holocyclus In Australia, it is also associated with triggering conditions, suggesting bites from non-lone star mites (e.g. ixodes scapularis and Haemaphysalis longieornis) It may be more worrying than previously believed.

About the research

This study examines a case of a 45-year-old woman who depicted AGS-like symptoms following a bite from a non-loan star mites. The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Main CDC) conducted the study.

A timeline of symptoms in patients with alpha paralysis syndrome after scapularis tic bite Ixodes, Maine, USA, 2022.

A timeline of symptoms in patients with alpha paralysis syndrome after scapularis tic bite Ixodes, Maine, USA, 2022.

The study subject reported a mites bite (left humerus) received on May 4, 2022, which was discovered after returning from York County, Maine. Subjects identified mites as adult women ixodes scapulariswas confirmed by CDC using molecular and morphological data. 9 days later, in addition to the bite area inflammation Severe itching, subjects reported delayed gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms (abdominal pain and mal lazy) after consumption of roasted rabbits.

These symptoms were frequently repeated again following subjects' mammal dietary consumption over the next 2 weeks. In particular, diet was shared only among subjects reporting GI symptoms. Furthermore, subjects had no prior history of allergies or exposure to parasites.

“Severe episodes of diarrhea and vomiting several hours after beef consumption have led patients to visit their healthcare provider (HCP) 20 days after the tick bite.”

Considering her symptoms, her health care providers include metabolic panels, complete blood counts, amylases, lipases, and Helicobacter pylori Exhalation test. At the same time, ultrasound (to detect gallstones) and serum α-gal-specific IgE tests were performed. All tests demonstrated that subjects were healthy, except for the unusually high (>100 ku/L) α-gal-specific IgE test.

She showed no rash, hive, dyspnea, or anaphylaxis, but her symptoms were consistent with the gastrointestinal phenotype of AG. Dietary cofactors such as alcohol can worsen the onset of symptoms.

“I consumed bacon in three months and steak in seven months after the initial symptoms were delayed in heartburn sensation. Ten months after the first symptoms, the patient tolerated a steak dinner and a roast beef sandwich and ate lean meat.

scapularis tick bite, Maine, USA, 2022, progression and persistence of bite site reactions in standard perspective syndrome. b) An enlarged version of the image of Panel A. Magnification x 2.1; c) On day 3, erythema growth surrounding the mites bite site with a severe increase in pritus. d) On day 5, the bite site was not inflamed and scabs. e) On day 53, the patient resumed the photo document due to

scapularis tick bite, Maine, USA, 2022, progression and persistence of bite site reactions in standard perspective syndrome. b) An enlarged version of the image of Panel A. Magnification x 2.1; c) On day 3, erythema growth surrounding the mites bite site with a severe increase in pritus. d) On day 5, the bite site was not inflamed and scabs. e) On day 53, the patient resumed the photo document due to “flares” of intermittently raised symptoms and lesions. f) On day 55, the lesions improved. G) On day 57, the lesion rose slightly again, and photographs taken to document the photographs. After these photos, Pritus resolved most of it. As of December 2024, the bite site remains identifiable as asymptomatic papules.

Survey results and follow-up survey

This case study provides evidence suggestive of a bite ixodes scapularis It can trigger human hypersensitivity and AG. This led the US CDC (Maine) to retrospectively screen patient records from Maine, spanning ten years ago (2014-2023). Of the 57 Maine residents reporting AGS-like symptoms, IgE clinical tests confirmed 23 were positive for α-gal-specific allergies.

An interview conducted at AG confirmed a review of travel history where symptoms precede symptoms, revealing contact with lonely stars, black feet, and other mites. However, this study acknowledges that not all mites exposure is confirmed and that prior lifetime sensitization or multiple mites bites can contribute to the development of AG.


This study states that non-loan star mites, particularly black-legged mites (ixodes scapularis), which may be associated with human AGS hypersensitivity and significantly expands the potential spatial distribution of syndromes across the United States.

To address this, the CDC expanded surveillance and advised clinicians and healthcare professionals to regularly screen mites with alpha-gal-specific IgE.

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