Hidden treatments we can learn

Research published in Science Researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles have found that mice exhibit behavior similar to first aid. Researchers observed mice pulling the tongue of their unconscious companions to clean the airways and removing obstructions from their mouths to promote recovery.
Determining the motivation behind this behavior is challenging, writes Wenjian Sun, PhD, and colleagues, but behavior is similar to human first aid measures.
Ants and first aid
Mice are not the only animals that exhibit behavior similar to first aid. In an interview with biologist and science author Dr. Mario Ludwig German version of MedscapeIt reminded me of the “blue light ant.” Matabele's ant (Megaponella Analyst), lives south of the Sahara, always hunting termites in groups, with 200-500 ants taking part in the raids. About half of the ants enter the victim's tunnel and try to kill as many termites as possible. During these attacks, 1%-2% Ali was injured Defensive termites usually cause bites or bites the biting leg. After the battle, the ants gather dead termites and search for the wounded ants.
“The injured ants are seeking help using alarm pheromones,” explained Ludwig. First, the responder grabs the injured ants and takes them back to the nest. “However, only ants with non-life-threatening injuries are rescued. The fatal ants are not saved.” This process is similar to the form of triage. “In the nest, injured ants are cared for and their wounds are licked. The saliva of care ants contains antibiotics,” Ludwig said.
Apes and self-medication
Large apes are known to self-treat in the wild. “The classic example is chimpanzees. When they invade intestinal parasites, they regularly consume leaves. Aspiria Plants,” Ludwig reported.
These plants associated with sunflowers are bitter and are not part of the monkey's normal diet.
Anthropologist Dr. Richard Langham, a professor of bioanthropology at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, observed in the 1990s. Chimpanzees were consumed consistently Aspiria leaf.
This plant is thought to be used medically. Chimpanzees, and they swallow Hairy leaves of Aspilia raw Parasite infections are likely to occur after the onset of the rainy season.
Chimpanzees have also been observed to treat their own wounds and their fellow people with creams made from crushed insects. Scientists at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences at Osnabruck University, and the Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology at Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, documented the behavior during the Ozugatian Chimpanzee Project in Longo National Park, Gabon. Their findings were published in Current Biology 2022.
Dolphins and coral use
In the Red Sea, the Indo-Pacific Bottle North Dolphins (Tursiops Aduncus) rub against specific coral species such as Rumphella assembly and Sarcofiton A sponge like Il Senior.
these Marine invertebrates It contains 17 identified bioactive compounds with antibacterial and antioxidant properties. This behavior is thought to help dolphins maintain skin health and protect against microbial infections.
Other examples of animal self-therapy include brown bears from Alaska and bison from North America.
“To remove tapeworms, brown bears consume sharp-rimmed sugeras, while bison chews the bark of trees known to be effective against amebiasis,” explained Ludwig.
Many animals have mud baths to remove parasites from the skin. “When the mud is dry and rubbed off, the parasites are removed with it,” Ludwig said.
The monkey knows
Monkeys are known to recognize their actions, unlike bears, cows, or deer, where mudwall actions may not be intentional. “But in monkeys, we know,” Ludwig said.
South American Capuchin Monkeys face serious mosquito problems during the rainy season. In 2003, biologist Dr. Paul J. Weldon and colleagues and colleagues from the Smithsonian Association in Washington, DC. observation These monkeys use yasuki as a natural insect repellent.
They squeeze Orthoporus dorsovittatus Until defensive secretion is released. “In defense, insects inject toxic benzoquinone secretion from many glands. Monkeys rub themselves with this secretion and are no longer bitten,” reported Ludwig.
He added that these benzoquinones are “more effective than any mosquito repellent used by the US Army.”
Weldon's experiments showed that even captutin monkeys actively sought mosquito repellent lotions and refused to go without them. “The monkeys were given paper tissue soaked in benzoquinone and immediately rubbed with them. As a control, the monkeys were given paper tissue soaked in acetone, which indicates that the monkeys know exactly what they are doing.”
Some animals use benzoquinone, a protective material with mild hallucination effects, to achieve relaxation and euphoric states. However, benzoquinone is carcinogenic and is considered unsuitable for human use.
Potential human rescue
Some treatments used by chimpanzees may have potential applications in humans. Dr. Fabian Schultz, director of the Ethnopathology and Zoopharmacognosy Junior Research Group at the Bernhard Notch Tropical Medical Institute in Hamburg, Germany, is investigating this possibility.
Schultz collects natural remedies for plants, insects, fungi and more from indigenous communities in African countries. He also observes the self-control behavior of chimpanzees, mountain gorillas and elephants.
Schultz and his colleagues analyze whether the collected materials have pharmacological effects. The aim is to document knowledge about these traditional remedies and identify new ones Pharmacological drugs It can be used in modern medicine.
“We may learn from the closest relatives in the animal kingdom, such as chimpanzees and mountain gorillas. There is the first evidence that these substances can also be applied to humans,” Schultz said. German public television documentary.
Trial and Error Learning
Biologists believe that animals have discovered natural medicines through trial and error to protect themselves from parasites, diseases, or toxins, as explained by Ludwig.
Dog owners may notice that their pet intentionally swallows certain types of grass. Shortly afterwards, the dog vomits grass and gives it an indigested blade. Similarly, undigested grass blades are often found in the feces of these animals. These animals appear to “know” the leaves, blades, or roots that are consumed to combat infections, insects, or stomach agitation.
This knowledge is passed on to offspring and other group members by teaching them to be useful for certain illnesses or leave them through observational learning. “In many cases, animals can say that they diagnose themselves. But whether this is actually true is very debated,” Ludwig pointed out.
Birds and self-medication
Most animals that practice self-medication are mammals, but are ants that exhibit collective forms of intelligence. Beesantibacterial resin is used to build nests and is also involved in such behavior. For example, urban sparrows and bullfinches protect themselves from parasites by using tobacco products such as cigarette butts. Mexican scientists observed that these birds had gathered cigarette butts They were incorporated into the nest. Researchers found that nests containing cigarette inhalations contain fewer mites than mites that do not have cigarette butts.
Some bird species, such as Jay and carrion crows, are It was observed Sit in the antilles and “shower” with larch to protect them from parasites.
Migratory birds prepare for a long journey south with special meals. “Before their journey, the birds are soaked in dark berries. These berries are rich in antioxidants and rich in true fitness dishes,” Ludwig pointed out.
Collected in 2013 by Dr. Navindra Seeram and colleagues from the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island. 12 common berries samples It is consumed by migratory birds on Block Island, an important stopover for these birds. Researchers measured peak wavy berry antioxidants and plant pigment levels, including Bayberry, Elderberry and Vabureum (Snowball teeth) Berries.
They found that the birds prefer dark vavreunum berries, which had the highest antioxidant content and 650% more pigment than the average combined with all other berries. Berries also act as antioxidants, preventing these aggressive compounds from wreaking havoc in the body. This selective diet primarily prevents inflammation.
“It is also suspected that the bird accidentally discovered this and handed it over,” Ludwig pointed out.
Universal Self-Medication
Dr. Michael A. Huffman, professors in the Department of Ecology and Social Behavior of Tanaka Tajima, Inuyama, Japan, Japan, and leading researchers of animal self-management believe that all animal species treat themselves.
“Every species of the planet get sick, affected by parasites and microbes, suffer from other types of disease. We have accidents, falls, and we cut ourselves. Therefore, all animals on this planet rely on self-management,” explained Huffman. Interview. Observations and studies have been carried out on all animals, from ants and bees to humans.
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