When I stimulate the brain, do I keep it sharp?

Q: I've heard that keeping your brain active with word games, crossword puzzles, reading and other activities can help prevent amnesia as you get older. Is that true? Are some activities better than others?
When Jennifer O'Brien, a psychologist studying the prevention of Alzheimer's disease at the University of South Florida, gives a public lecture, she says she is often asked whether activities like crossword puzzles and word games stop the decline in age-related cognitive decline.
“That's the number one question,” she said. “There's a very broad and common belief that playing this kind of game will help me as I get older.”
According to her and other experts, the truth is more complicated. The science of whether certain brain activity is useful or more effective than others is limited, difficult to assess, and other aspects of your life may become more important.
However, certain types of brain activity can potentially strengthen your cognitive skills as you age.
What science suggests
Little research has been done on whether certain brain stimulating activities, such as puzzles and word games, can affect memory loss. And the research we have is difficult to interpret.
“It's a really tough question to answer the science we have so far,” Dr. O'Brien said.
Some the study I have it ConclusionHowever, this means that people who are generally engaged in cognitively stimulating activities are less likely to experience memory loss than those who are not. Typically, these analyses include many types of mental activities, such as reading, playing board games, writing, and crafting.
These ratings are so broad that it is difficult to say whether a given activity is “better” than anything else. For example, “reading, playing instruments, taking courses, caring for orchids in your garden,” said Joyce Gomez Osman, a physiotherapist and neuroscientist at the University of Miami, who specializes in preventing memory loss.
Most studies are also correlated. In other words, we can find a connection between cognitive activity and memory benefits, but we cannot prove that the activity itself brings those benefits. For example, those who choose to do brain-stimulating activities such as word games and reading and writing may be more likely to suffer from memory loss for other reasons, Dr. O'Brien said. Maybe they are wealthier, less stressful, or more likely to exercise.
And many of these studies ask people to remember the activities they have done in the past. These self-reports are not always accurate, especially when they are done in older adults, Dr. O'Brien said.
Select the appropriate activity
As they age, their memories of episodes – the ability to remember past events and experiences – tend to fade, but their semantic memories – the ability to remember words, concepts and numbers – usually continue to be reinforced.
When deciding which cognitive activities are most useful to you, think about activities that involve the skills you have trouble with, Dr. Gomes-Osman said. For example, if you are struggling with visual or spatial skills, you may want to give it a try Shape-related puzzles like Tangram. If you want to improve your fine motor skills, try Needle Points.
But it's also important to have activities that you enjoy, Dr. Gomez Osmann said. Our brains are most likely to improve in response to activities that are “notice to you in some way” and may provide satisfaction. The idea is to tailor the cognitive challenges to your needs and interests.
The whole picture
When thinking about strategies to prevent age-related memory loss, experts said they will zoom out and look at other factors that could play a role.
In 2024, the Lancet Committee on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care is a group of experts who regularly review evidence and develop recommendations for the prevention and management of dementia. 45% of cases of dementia were estimated It is potentially preventable by treating 14 major risk factors. These factors include physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, hearing loss, social isolation, and depression.
Experts usually do not recommend a singular brain survival approach, as so many aspects of your lifestyle shape the risk of memory loss. Instead, try to combine them with different approaches. motion, Social Engagement and Healthy eatingsaid Dr. Greg Cooper, a neurologist and director of the Memory Center at Norton Institute of Neuroscience in Louisville, Kentucky.
Still, if you like certain activities like craft makers and crossword puzzles, there's certainly no reason to stop them, Dr. O'Brien said. The science is not clear, but the fact that they bring joy to you and keep you attracting can boost your cognitive and emotional health. And if the puzzle leads you to interact with others, you probably call your friend when you want to vent something particularly tough Word Or you need support Crossword Clues – That social contact is also good for you.
“I really don't have the cost to do them,” Dr. O'Brien said. “If you enjoy them, why?”
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