Best diet for aging, supported by 30 years of research of 100,000 people

Do you want to age without chronic illness, have a sharp mind and lively energy? A groundbreaking 30 years of research reveals accurate foods to prioritize and foods that interfere with opportunities.
study: Optimal dietary patterns for healthy aging. Image credit: Monticello/Shutterstock
A recent study published in the journal Natural Medicineresearchers examined the association between long-term adherence to eight dietary patterns and the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF) with healthy aging. Their findings show that following plant-based, nutrient-dense diets with moderately healthy animal-based food intakes, including low-fat dairy products, inform future dietary recommendations, potentially increasing healthy aging significantly.
The number of seniors in the United States is on the rise, but 80% suffer from one or more chronic illnesses, creating significant health challenges. Increasing healthy aging is a priority to improve quality of life and social contribution while reducing costs associated with healthcare. Poor diet is a key factor in mortality and non-communicable diseases worldwide.
The World Health Organization now emphasizes not treating the disease, but maintaining its function and preventing decline. Research shows that a better diet can help prevent type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and early death. It also links diet not only to mental health in aging populations, but also to physical and cognitive health.
However, little is understood about how overall dietary patterns affect multiple aspects of healthy aging. Understanding these associations can inform public health guidelines and help older people maintain their mental, physical and cognitive health while preventing chronic illnesses.
About the research
This study investigated the 30-year association between adherence to eight healthy dietary patterns, UPF consumption, and healthy aging in two large US cohorts, and analyzed differences between gender, ancestors, socioeconomic status, lifestyle factors, and individual food compositions.
The data stems from nurse health research and follow-up studies of health professionals who have been tracking lifestyle and health outcomes since 1986. Participants with major chronic diseases, missing dietary data, or incredible energy intake were excluded.
Dietary intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to reverse the empirical diet index for the eight dietary pattern scores (AHEI), dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH), alternative Mediterranean diet (AMED), neuroproduct diet (Mind), Planetary Health Health Deation Index (PHPDI), PHPNETARY Health Deation Index (PHPHDI), PLANTERRANEAN-DASH intervention hyperinsulinemia (Redih), and empirical inflammatory dietary index (Redih), along with the consumption of ultra-highly processed foods (UPF).
Healthy aging reached the age of 70 without major chronic diseases and was defined along with cognitive, physical and mental health. Covariates such as BMI, smoking, and physical activity were considered. In statistical analysis, logistic regression was used to adjust for confounding factors. Sensitivity and subgroup analyses containing electron values assessed robustness to unmeasured confounding.
Survey results
This study analyzed data from 105,015 individuals (34,924 men and 70,091 women). Over 30 years, 9.3% (9,771 people) showed healthy aging. Of all participants, 37.9% lived for at least 70 years, 22.8% were freed from 11 chronic conditions, 33.9% retained cognitive function, 28.1% preserved function, and 26.5% maintained mental health.
Those who followed healthier dietary patterns were generally those with higher socioeconomic status, increased physical activity, decreased BMI, and lower incidence of past depression.
The strongest association with healthy aging was found in Ahei, followed by Dash, Mind, HPDI, and PhDI. Ahei showed the strongest effect, while HPDI showed the weakest. Compliance with these diets increased the likelihood of healthy aging by 45% to 86%.
Cognitive health benefits most from PHDI. Physical functions from Ahei; Mental health from Ahei. Prevention of chronic diseases from Redih. PHDI also had the most impact on survival up to age 70. UPF consumption was associated with a 32% lower odds of healthy aging.
The higher the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, unsaturated fats (such as olive oil), and healthy fats, the more they were associated with better aging outcomes. Processed meat, trans fats, and sodium were associated with worse outcomes. Benefits were most powerful among women, smokers, individuals with low socioeconomic status, and those with less physical activity.
This longitudinal study found that healthier middle-aged dietary patterns are associated with better odds of healthy aging for over 30 years. Ahei was most strongly associated with overall healthy aging, particularly mental and physical functioning. With a more stringent definition (for example, survival up to age 75), the impact of Ahei was even greater.
PHDI, which integrates sustainability and health, showed the strongest impact on cognitive health and survival at age 70. Redih was most effective in preventing chronic diseases. A diet rich in plant foods and healthy fats, low in processed foods and lean meat was consistently associated with improved aging outcomes.
As most participants were white health professionals, the limitations of the study included a lack of diversity. These findings support diet as a key factor in healthy aging and reinforce the need for comprehensive and consistent dietary guidelines.
Journal Reference:
- Optimal dietary patterns for healthy aging. Tessier, A., Wang, F., Korat, Aa, Eliassen, A., H., Chavarro, J., Grodstein, F., Li, J., Liang, L., Willett, W. C., Sun, Q., Stampfer, M. J., Hu, F. B., Gasch-Ferré, M. Natural Medicine (2025). 2:10.1038/s41591-025-03570-5,
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