Multivitamin, mineral supplements may strengthen the immune system of the elderly
Elderly people who took a multivitamin and mineral supplement containing zinc and high amounts of vitamin C daily in a 12-week study experienced severe symptoms in a shorter period of time than their control group counterparts who received placebo.
Research Results from Oregon State University Researchers Published in Journal Nutrients..
A study by Linus Pauling Institute scientists at OSU was designed to measure the effects of supplements on specific immune system indicators in 42 healthy people aged 55 to 75 years. We also examined zinc and vitamin C and D blood flow levels while taking supplements, as these micronutrients are important for proper immune function.
Immune indicators, including the ability of white blood cells to kill incoming pathogens, are unchanged in the supplement-treated group.
The multivitamin group showed improved vitamin C and zinc status in the blood. Most interestingly, the symptoms of the disease reported by this group were less severe and disappeared sooner than those experienced by the placebo group.
Although the same percentage of participants in each group reported symptoms, the supplement group averaged less than 3 days of illness compared to 6 or more days in the placebo group.
The difference in the observed illnesses was amazing. Although the study was limited to self-reported disease data and we did not design the study to answer this question, the observed differences are the additional larger studies designed for these results. Suggests that is justified.
Adrian Gombart, Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, OSU College of Science, Principal Investigator, Linus Pauling Institute
As a person grows older, the risk of vitamin and mineral deficiency, which contributes to the lack of the immune system with age, increases. Studies across the United States, Canada, and Europe suggest that more than one-third of older people are deficient in at least one and often more than one micronutrient.
“It probably contributes to a weakened immune system, with increased levels of inflammation, reduced innate immune function, and T cells “Older people often benefit from multivitamin and mineral supplements because multiple nutrients support immune function. They are readily available, inexpensive, and generally considered safe.”
The multivitamin supplement used in the study focused on the vitamins and minerals normally thought to help the immune system. It contained 700 micrograms of vitamin A. 400 international units of Vitamin D. 45 mg Vitamin E; 6.6 mg Vitamin B6; 400 μg Folic Acid; 9.6 μg Vitamin B12; 1,000 mg Vitamin C; 5 mg Iron; 0.9 mg Copper; Zinc 10 mg; and 110 μg selenium.
“Replenishment was associated with significantly increased circulating levels of zinc and vitamin C, and less severe and short-lived symptoms,” Gombert said. “This corroborates the findings dating back decades. It dates back to the days when Linus Pauling used vitamin C. Multivitamin and mineral supplementation helped the elderly’s immune system. It suggests that more and more well-designed research is needed to investigate the positive roles that may play a role in adulthood.”
See journal:
Fantacon, ML, other (2020) Effects of Multivitamin and Mineral Supplements on Immune Function in Healthy Elderly: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients.
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