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Experts warn that Scott Morrison’s early talk of a “must-have” Covid vaccine promotes hesitation | Australian news


Experts warn that Scott Morrison’s debate about the “must-have” Covid-19 vaccine is preemptive and risks hesitating away Australians.

Prime minister Announced on Wednesday Signed a statement of intent with British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca to provide Australians with the Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine if they pass clinical trials.

Morrison said he was asked if the vaccine was essential if it proved to be safe and effective, and he hoped to do so.

“I would expect it to be as obligatory as you can make,” Morrison told 3AW. “There are always exemptions to medically based vaccines, but that must be the only basis: we are destroying the global economy, causing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, and here Australians We’re talking about a pandemic that killed more than 430 people.

“That means getting Australia back to normal requires the most comprehensive and comprehensive response to this.”

At a subsequent press conference, Morrison described his qualification as “the minister of social services without jabs and play” (a compulsory strategy to improve vaccination in childhood), but how to make Covid? I did not outline what specific coercive measures would be used. 19 vaccines required if present.

The chief medical officer, Professor Paul Kelly, suggests that the vaccine is voluntary at first, saying: “Of course, the first person is a voluntary call, and it’s certainly long queues. Of course, they’re socially distant.-Due to this vaccine. Incredibly welcomed by many.”

The hesitation of the vaccine-the world defines health An organization that “delays in accepting or rejecting vaccines despite the availability of vaccination services” is recognized as a problem in 90% of countries.

WHO included hesitation in the top 10 global health threats last year, and the body’s Vaccine Advisory Group is being challenged by a number of complex factors, including self-satisfaction, inconvenient access to the vaccine, and lack of confidence. Have been triggered.

one of Leading Australian researcher Regarding hesitation and refusal of the vaccine, University of Sydney and Julie Lisk of the National Center for Vaccination Research and Surveillance say pre-emptive debate about “essential” vaccines is dangerous.

“Before I got the vaccine, and before I knew what it looked like, and even before I worked on the priority group, I’m very worried to see this talk,” Lisk said. Told the Guardian.

“But it’s no surprise that this topic has come out. It’s politically successful to discuss using compulsory means to get people to vaccinate their children.

“But for this disease and vaccine, it’s very important to understand this argument correctly. You can’t play a political game with discussions on how to get high coverage of the Covid-19 vaccine. You need to be careful.”

Mr Lisk said the consequences of this early discussion of enforcement measures were potentially serious.

She said the public had no opportunity to build knowledge about vaccine candidates or build confidence in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. It risked keeping people away from future vaccines.

“It will only be created and distributed if there are trials showing that it has an acceptable safety and efficacy profile, which is important, but the general public knows what it looks like, I didn’t even have the opportunity to build trust, information about it,” she said.

“So, if you jump into talk about compulsory measures, you risk running into something called a “reactant.” All other means available to do something, if it really is worth doing it, it makes sense.

“If you’re a bit ambiguous and you’re told “in the way you have to get this vaccine”… and you [more] People who are farther from the vaccine than you might not have. “

Efforts to combat the hesitation of vaccines are complex and multifaceted. Ah Last year lancet paper He said that it was crucial to provide health care workers with the tools and resources needed to communicate with patients, as physician advice has been shown to be the most important predictor of vaccine acceptance.

The paper also contains policies that governments and health policy makers also play an important role in, and public policy, promoting vaccination, and policies to mitigate public health risks associated with hesitation.

Anthony Fauci, director of the Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research Institute in the United States, identified online misinformation as a serious problem in hesitating vaccines.


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