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How is COVID Safe? Answer these questions and get a score


Orlando, Florida. – How safe is COVID on a scale of 1-10? The Florida Secretary wants to be that judge.

Governor Ron DeSantis said, “Florida Safety Survey CV19 CheckupBased on the answers to several questions, we assess the behavioral safety of Floridian during the COVID-19 pandemic.

[TAKE THE SURVEY: Click here to get your safe behavior score using the CV19 CheckUp]

State authorities said Investigation Serving as a good self-assessment resource by asking Florida citizens to review COVID-19 situational decisions to see how different behaviors affect the health of others as well as that of others To do.

DeSantis said the tool is especially useful for older people, who are considered particularly vulnerable to the novel coronavirus, and their friends and family.

“Protecting Florida’s most vulnerable areas has been a major focus of my administration during this COVID-19 pandemic,” DeSantis said in a news release on the release of online tools. “The Florida Safe Survey will further reduce the spread of this disease and provide a new layer of protection for those at the highest risk of serious COVID-19 symptoms.”

of Self-audit According to it takes about 10 minutes to complete DOEA websiteAsk residents about personal health and living conditions, among other topics.

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“You will spend 10 minutes answering a few questions and then immediately receive a custom report based on your life and habits,” read the survey instructions. “Find out the possibilities of obtaining or expanding COVID-19, the severity of getting sick, steps to reduce risk, and ways to meet your needs during a pandemic.”

The following is a complete list of questions asked as part of the survey.

1. Who will complete this CV19 checkup?

2. What do you think is the chance of getting COVID-19 within the next 12 months?

3. If you were infected with COVID-19, what do you think you might need to be hospitalized for?

Four. Do you think you would know if you were spreading COVID-19 to others?

Five. Are you prepared for getting sick with COVID-19?

6. What is your zip code?

7. How old are you?

8. What is your gender

9. Which of the following best describes your current living situation?

Ten. How many people live in your household, including yourself?

11. Is anyone in your household over 65 or under 65 having serious health problems, not counting yourself?

12. Which of the following best describes the current situation related to COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

13. Do you have the following chronic health problems? (Check all that apply)

14. What kind of health insurance do you have? (Check all that apply)

15. Did you, or anyone in your family, visit or participate in any of the following activities during the last month? (Check all that apply)

16. How many of you and your family (not counting those who live with you) will come into close contact in a typical week?

17. Please let us know how often you do the things listed here.

  • Wear a mask when you go out in public
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or elbow.
  • When I say hello, I try not to shake hands or hug people (other than family members).
  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, especially after going into public areas.
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands, especially when you are outside.
  • When I leave home, I keep at least 6 feet away from others.
  • When interacting with non-family members, keep a distance of at least 6 feet.
  • When you interact with people other than your family, everyone wears a mask.

18. How confident are you that you can follow these recommended actions to minimize the risk of COVID-19 until the end of the pandemic?

19. How often have you felt the method described below in the last two weeks?

  • Feel lonely
  • I’m nervous, anxious, or edgy
  • Can’t stop worrying or control worries
  • Depressed, depressed, or hopeless

20. Need help with any of the following: (12 options- dealing with food, nursing, insurance etc.)

twenty one. What is your race or ethnicity?

After calculating the answer, by survey Severity riskWill be determined based on These factors, Called the “Safety Behavior Score”.

“This score is based on how much you adhere to recommended safe behaviors, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands, and staying at least 6 feet away,” the study said.

According to DOEA, the score will be:

  • 0-4.9-bad
  • 5-6.9-Fair
  • 7-8.9-Good
  • 9-10-Excellent

According to the DOEA, the higher your safety behavior score, the less likely you are to get COVID-19.

“Achieving a Safety Behavior Score of 9 or 10 reduces your chances of acquiring or spreading COVID-19 by up to 80%,” DOEA said in a survey response.

The survey uses responses in addition to severity risk and safe behavior scores to encourage what’s called an “infection and spread risk”, a “CV19 checkup report”, and healthy habits. Generates a list of recommendations and resources for.

[INTERACTIVE MAP: Coronavirus cases in Florida]

It is important to note that this site emphasizes that the information provided in this report is not medical advice.

“Your report provides guidance from key experts and organizations based on research, science, and recommendations published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization,” said the research instructions. read.

Governor’s office officials said the survey is available to everyone and can be done multiple times to see how behavioral changes affect their health scores. However, these resources were selected from the Florida Aging Network Pantheon, a service most suitable for seniors, state officials said.

Click here to complete the survey.

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