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Cuba is about to begin testing its own COVID-19 vaccine, officials say |


MIAMI — According to the official registry of Cuba’s clinical trials, Cuba will begin testing its own COVID-19 vaccine candidate next week.

The vaccine Soberana 01 is manufactured by the state-owned Finlay Vaccine Research Institute and tested in Phase I and II trials involving 676 adults aged 19 to 80 years. Results will not be published until February 2021.

Phase I clinical trials evaluate the side effects and toxicity of drugs. If the results are good, the process can proceed to Phase II trials to determine if drug therapy is effective.

It is unclear whether a late phase III trial, usually involving thousands, will continue to test the efficacy and safety of the vaccine in a larger population. Cuban studies will assess both safety and the resulting immune response, according to data published in the registry.

The study will be a “randomized, controlled, double-blind study,” in which doctors and participants will not know who will be injected with the vaccine candidate. The recipients are randomly selected. People in the control group get another vaccine against Cuba-generated meningitis.

The details about the vaccine candidate to be tested are insufficient, but the explanation is that it uses the RBD candidate, a receptor binding domain, a type of protein found in the viral “spike” to induce neutralizing antibodies It shows that. This technique has previously been used in the SARS vaccine.

In May, Cuban leader Miguel Dias Canel said he needed to produce a local vaccine to secure “sovereignty” in the country.

“Finding an efficient vaccine to fight COVID-19 is a top priority for our science and innovation system,” Cuba’s best epidemiologist Francisco Duran said at a news conference on Tuesday.

Cuba’s biotechnology industry produces vaccines and medicines for local use. Some have also been exported, such as drugs that prevent diabetes ulcers. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the government was aggressively promoting interferon drugs to combat COVID-19, but studies on their efficacy have shown mixed results.

The Cuban Biological Institute also manufactures unproven homeopathic compounds for use by health authorities as a prophylactic treatment to combat coronaviruses.

Last week, Cuban state media reported that Kirild Mitriev, head of the investment fund that invested in Russia’s first registered vaccine Sputnik 5, said Cuba could start production in November. It was The announcement of the Russian vaccine Vladimir Putin has sparked criticism as the country has approved it without conducting more extensive trials to prove its efficacy and safety.

News about the Cuban vaccine came during the outbreak in Havana, and the government rolled back a restart and ordered a blockade of the city. Regular flights are out of service.

On Wednesday, health officials reported 74 new coronavirus infections, all in Havana and nearby Artemisa and Pinar del Rio. In total, the government confirmed 3.408 coronavirus cases and 88 deaths.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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