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Now is the time to protect yourself from the flu — Get the flu shot: Dr. Nina Radcliffe | Latest Headlines


I work with health professionals across the country to emphasize the importance of getting flu shots and getting more. “The year I get flu isn’t right this year, but I’m using COVID-19 this year, which is especially bad.”

Preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the 2019-20 flu season, which closed in May, show that the flu reported at least 18 million visits to healthcare providers, 410,000 hospitalizations, and tragically 64,000 deaths. It turned out to be the cause.

During the fall and winter, emergency rooms and emergency clinics are often flooded with influenza patients. Given that our healthcare system faces the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to help us reduce visits and hospitalizations to healthcare facilities and reduce the burden. The potential for “autumn winds”, the overlapping seasons of influenza, and the expected surge in COVID-19 this fall and winter needs to be tempered.

Influenza is a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease caused by the influenza virus. Attacks the respiratory system, causing runny nose, cough and sore throat. In addition, it can cause havoc in the whole body and can cause headaches, muscle and body aches, fever over 100 degrees, chills, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (common in children).

Since some of the symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, it can be difficult to distinguish between them based on symptoms alone, and tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. ..

What are complications? Who is at risk?

• Ear and sinus infections

• Bronchitis, pneumonia

• Heart (myocarditis), muscle, brain inflammation (encephalitis)

• Multiple organ failure of the kidneys (which may require hemodialysis) or the respiratory system (which may require placement of respiratory tubing and connections to the respiratory tract)

• Sepsis (body’s life-threatening reaction to infection)

Children 6 months to 5 years old, pregnant women (and their fetuses), adults over 65 years old, people with weakened immunity, people with chronic health conditions (Eg heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, asthma) are at high risk..

Being vaccinated not only protects you, but also the people around you! The CDC recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against influenza every year, emphasizing that it is especially important for those at high risk of complications.

People who have been vaccinated but have the flu usually have a lower risk of complications, hospitalization, and death. In other words, influenza vaccination dampens its effects and provides a crucial level of protection.

And unlike some other vaccinations that provide lifelong or long-term protection (eg pneumococci, measles), you must be vaccinated against influenza every year. This is because circulating influenza viruses change from year to year and your immunity to them declines over time.

Where and when can I get the influenza vaccine? Flu vaccination is already available!

The US flu season usually doesn’t start until October, but because of COVID-19, it’s time to start thinking about when, where, and where to get the flu shot this year. Experts believe that September and October are the best time to vaccinate to achieve immunity throughout the flu season. Also, it takes two weeks after vaccination to get full immunity.

With COVID-19, CDC works with healthcare providers, state and local health departments to develop influenza vaccination plans while maintaining social distances.

This includes: Offsite vaccination clinics in the parking lots of churches, supermarkets, community centres, libraries, senior centres, sports arenas and parking drive clinics. Marginal vaccination outside the doctor’s office; clinics with appropriate social distance to the pharmacy.

Influenza viruses float in the air as droplets and can travel up to 6 feet after someone coughs or sneezes and survive on surfaces or objects. Therefore, protective measures against COVID-19 (mask, face covering, body distance, hand washing, staying at home when ill, cleaning surfaces) may also help protect against flu.

Take steps to stay as healthy as possible! Infectious disease experts have shown that coronaviruses can affect multiple aspects of someone’s health, so the combination of COVID-19 and influenza (or one after another), and others Warns that underlying illnesses may threaten overall health. Respiratory system and ability to recover.

Getting your flu vaccine and taking preventive health measures is paramount to you (and your loved ones)!

Dr. Nina Radcliffe of Galloway Township is a physician’s anesthesiologist, contributor to television medicine, and textbook author.

Email questions to Dr. Nina [email protected] “Dr. Subject “Nina”.

This article is for general information purposes only and may not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions. It is not a substitute for advice from medical professionals.


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