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A heavily ignored “housekeeping” gene is involved in seizures


In the cell, molecules known as transfer RNAs or “tRNAs” are important, but unattractive, in facilitating the genetic translation process from the DNA code to a functional protein.

TRNAs are abundant because they play a very important role in the “housekeeping” of this translation. Mammalian cells have hundreds of tRNA genes and have ample backup copies in case something goes wrong. However, tRNAs are so abundant that they have been overlooked in looking for the root of the disease process.

Scientists studying tRNA in mice in San Diego, California say that mutations in the tRNA gene called n-Tr20, which is only expressed in the brain, disrupts the entire cell landscape and chain reactions alter brain function. And acted.

The new study is explained in the journal on August 26 Neuron..

Postdoctoral researcher Murid Kapur, who works in the lab of professor Susan Ackermann, the author of the study, said she and her colleagues found that n-Tr20 is a subtlety of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the brain. He says he has found a role in balance. This imbalance is associated with many neurological disorders such as epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders.

While tRNAs have been commonly overlooked in the search for genetic causes of disease, recent whole-genome sequencing projects have revealed many variations in tRNA sequences in the human population. Our study suggests that tRNA variants have great potential to contribute to disease outcome and phenotypic variability. “

Mridu Kapur, Study First Author

The researchers found that deficiency in n-Tr20, a member of the tRNA family of five genes, made mice resistant to seizures. They say that their initial interest in this region came from the idea that tRNA mutations could affect other gene mutations, but the result is that tRNA mutations affect other mutations. In addition to confirming their speculation that it is possible, these mutations alone show that they may alter the brain function.

“You can imagine it’s like a seesaw. Pressing either can cause problems,” says Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a member of the Neurobiology Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. The member, Ackermann, said. “Balancing these two opposing forces is essential for normal function. Any shift can cause neurological disorders. In the field of autism spectrum disorders, excitatory/inhibitory nerves. It is widely accepted that the transmission imbalance is actually recognized.”

Ackerman says one of the reasons tRNAs have been overlooked in disease research is that researchers are generally focusing on mutations in their own genes. Members of large families, such as n-Tr20, are usually thrown into the genetic trash because they are so similar to each other.

“We didn’t know that mutations in the multicopy tRNA gene could do this,” Ackermann said. “These findings make us think about people who have illnesses with a variety of symptoms and how likely an overlooked gene in this class might play a role in their disease. Is the molecular basis that causes them from behaviors such as seizures.”

The researchers say the results are likely to be the tip of the iceberg, and they are focusing their attention on studying the link of tRNAs to diseases in extracranial tissues.


See journal:

Kapoor, M. , other (2020) Neuronal tRNA n-Tr20 expression regulates synaptic transmission and seizure susceptibility. Neuron..


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