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Research suggests that bee venom can kill aggressive breast cancer cells


A new study from Toronto-Australia suggests that the venom from bees can kill some of the most aggressive breast cancer cells.

the study, Published last week in Nature Precision OncologyHave found that honey bee venom can kill triple-negative and HER2-rich breast cancer cells.

Researchers tested an active chemical from a venom of 312 honeybees and bumblebees found in Australia, Ireland, and the United Kingdom, especially a venom called melittin, and found that the honeybee venom “shuts down” cancer cells. We have shown that the effect on healthy cells is limited.

“We found that both honey venom and melittin significantly, selectively and rapidly reduce the viability of triple-negative breast cancer and HER2-rich breast cancer cells,” Ciara Duffy of the Harry Perkins Institute of Medicine, Australia. Says Dr. In a blog post on the institute’s website.

“The venom was very powerful.”

Researchers used carbon dioxide to sleep the bees and then extracted the poison from their Stinger. From there, different concentrations of venom were tested on dishes containing different types of breast cancer tissue and normal tissue.

Once the optimal treatment was found to work in the dish, it was tested in mice given the chemotherapeutic drug docetaxel. Mice treated with venom had smaller tumors than untreated mice.

Bee venom was found to be effective, but bumblebee venom did not show cancer-killing properties even at the highest concentrations.

Bee venom has been found to inhibit the growth of tumors in other cancers, such as melanoma, lung cancer, leukemia, and ovarian cancer, but researchers found that honey bee venom produced different forms of venom venom. He pointed out that it is likely that he first investigated the effect of the drug on breast cancer.

Melittin is an active chemical found in bee venom, which is known to kill cancer cells, and also causes pain when stabbed by bees. It can be made synthetically and has a similar positive effect on cancer cells.

“Synthetic products reflect most of the anti-cancer effects of bee venom,” Duffy said.

Researchers have found that bee venom and melittin can significantly reduce the amount of chemical messages cancer cells send within 20 minutes and completely destroy the cell membrane within 60 minutes.

“This is an incredibly exciting observation that melittin, a key component of bee venom, can suppress the growth of deadly breast cancer cells, especially triple-negative breast cancer,” said Peter Klinken, chief scientist at Western Australia. It was

“(This study) provides another great example of where natural compounds can be used to treat human illnesses.”

Duffy also investigated whether melittin could be combined with certain chemotherapies and cancer treatments, including docetaxel.

“The combination of melittin and docetaxel was very effective in reducing tumor growth in mice,” she said.

Nonetheless, this study needs further research to narrow down the safest and most efficient melittin concentrations for breast cancer treatment, but could help breast cancer patients in the future, especially where expensive cancer treatments are unavailable. Warning that there is a possibility.

“Honey bee venom is available worldwide, providing cost-effective and easily accessible treatment options in remote and lagging areas,” the study said.


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