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Coronavirus Update: England’s infection increased by 60% in a week due to new restrictions imminent


Coronavirus infections in the United Kingdom increased by 60% in a week, days before the social ban came into effect.

Thai health officials have confirmed that another coronavirus infection has been detected in the country. Eight days after the virus did not stay for more than three months and resurfaced.

This story is updated regularly throughout Saturday.

An important moment on Saturday:

COVID-19 infection in the UK increased by 60% in a week

The number of COVID-19 infections in the United Kingdom, according to official estimates, increased by 60% in the week leading up to September 5, the day before the rally ban came into effect.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates that there are about 3,200 new cases per day in the UK community population during the week, up 60% from the previous week’s estimate of 2,000 per day. I did.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has banned groups of six or more from Monday (local time) in an attempt by the government to curb the spread of the virus.

Cases in the United Kingdom have been followed well above the level of about 1,000 per day recorded in August.

U.S. proposes to abandon minimum flight requirements

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has stated that it is proposing to temporarily exempt some US airports from the minimum flight requirements until late March 2021 during a pandemic.

Airlines can lose slots if they do not use more than 80% of the slots at a crowded airport.

The FAA said it is proposing to extend the wave requirements at JFK and LaGuardia airports in New York, and at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, which expires in October.

Millions of COVID-19 cases not detected in India, research paper found

While the two men are pulling the stretcher, another person in the scrub carries the oxygen tank, so the men are moved on the stretcher
According to a survey, it is estimated that nearly 6.5 million cases occurred in India in May, but the Ministry of Health reported that it was just over 180,000.(Reuters: Danish Siddiqui)

Research papers estimate that millions of coronavirus cases may not have been found in India earlier this year.

All cases confirmed in May were found to have 82-130 unrecorded infections.

The paper, published in the Journal of Medical Research in India, estimates that there were 6.5 million patients as early as May.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the total number of cases in late May exceeded 180,000.

Infections in India are growing faster than anywhere else in the world, with the Ministry of Health setting a new record of 96,551 cases on Friday, reaching an official total of 4.5 million cases.

Numerous cases were suspected earlier this year, either because tests are limited to symptomatic patients or because test rates vary from state to state, according to research papers written by government scientists and other experts. There is a possibility.

Mortality from COVID-19 in India has remained relatively low so far. The Ministry of Health reported 1,209 new deaths on Friday, bringing the total casualties to 76,271.

Thailand discovers second coronavirus infection for the first time in a long time

Thai health officials have confirmed another coronavirus infection in the country as a Uzbek professional soccer player. It hasn’t stayed for more than 3 months, 8 days after the virus reappeared.

According to health officials, the man was positive on Tuesday (local time) after a mandatory pre-match test, but the quarantine on August 27 was completed after three negative tests.

The man (29) arrived in Thailand on August 13th.

Yong Poovorawan, a virology expert at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, said the incubation period of the virus in men is longer than 14 days and is unlikely to be transmitted domestically.

By blocking the country except for returning Thai citizens and approved foreigners and demanding that all arrivals be quarantined, Thailand kept only 3,461 cases of coronavirus and most of them recovered. The country reported 58 deaths.

The domestic infection lasted for more than 100 days until a mysterious incident occurred in Bangkok last week, with no known travel history or virus exposure.

ABC / wire


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