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First NHS surgeon to work dies from coronavirus | World News


Organ transplant specialist is first job NHS Surgeon dies from coronavirus.

Adil Eltaya, 63, died Wednesday at West Middlesex University Hospital in London.

Doctors working around the world have spent the last day volunteering at the forefront of the outbreak in Midland’s A & E department.

“He wanted to be deployed in the most useful places in the crisis,” said his cousin, a British-Sudan journalist Zeina Bubadawi, in touching compliments. BBC Radio 4

“It took Adil only 12 days from apparently cheerful and capable doctors working in a busy hospital to lying in the morgue of the hospital.”

Tayar began self-isolation at home after symptoms appeared about two weeks ago, but was taken to a hospital and placed on a ventilator because of worsening conditions.

Four days later, the doctor told the family that he could no longer breathe on his own because his lungs were “attacked” by the virus.

“I was pretty enthusiastic about the pandemic until I knew Adil’s death,” Badawi said. “But there is nothing like death for the family to bring the reality we face to the home.”

Badawi learned of her cousin’s death Thursday. Three minutes before she joins millions of people across the UK to praise NHS workers.

She said: “Applause with my neighbors has created a sense of unity with me at all and we sink or swim together.

“Perhaps this transformation will be permanent. I hope that will happen.”

Former colleague Abbas Gaznafar, a kidney transplant surgeon at St. George’s University in Tooting, described Tayar as a “hardworking and dedicated surgeon” and a “noble man.”

Another surgeon’s cousin, Dr. Hisham Elkidil, told the BBC that Tayal had become infected with the virus while working on the frontline.

Ambassador of Sudan Irfan Siddiq, United Kingdom Tweeted“I’m even more sad to hear about the death of Sudan’s doctor, Avid Altayal, by Covid-19 in the UK.

“Healthcare professionals around the world have shown extraordinary courage. I can’t thank them. In this battle, we need to listen to their advice.”

Irfan Sidick

I was sad when I heard #Sudan-The death of these doctors Adel Altayard in England is from Covid 19. Health professionals around the world have shown extraordinary courage. I cannot thank them. In this battle, you have to listen to their advice. # Coronavirus #stay at home

March 26, 2020

Tayar leaves his wife and four children, two of whom also work as doctors at the NHS.

El Khidir told the BBC:

“Since he died on Wednesday, I’ve received hundreds of text messages from his colleagues and friends. He’ll be terribly lonely.”

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