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NC Coronavirus: Triangle County Advances Against COVID-19


Orange County, North Carolina (WTVD)-Reported by Health Authority, North Carolina Decrease in cases and decrease in positive rate, Wake, Durham, and Orange counties report similar trends.

“There were an average of 30, 40, and 50 new cases per day. Over the past few weeks, there have been many days when the number of new cases is in the single digits. These numbers are declining.” Stated.

On monday, the county Reported 28 new cases From Friday.

Immediately after seeing the rise Students returned to the UNC Chapel Hill campusThe numbers declined as well, after college staff moved undergraduate classes online.

Relation: COVID-19 incident at the University of North Carolina causes the total number of counties to skyrocket

“The age range of 19 to 24 years before the students returned accounted for about 20% of the cases in Orange County. Within a few weeks of their return, about about 20 cases in Orange County. It doubled to 44%, “Maggie said.

1 week from August 16th Percent positive rate It was 12.9%. Two weeks later, the positive rate was only 3.9% (although the county dashboard warns that test results collected during the latter period may not yet be reported).

In Orange County, people under the age of 24 accounted for 55% of all cases to date.

In Wake County, the number of cases and the percentage of positive tests have declined over the past few weeks. In late August, the county’s positive rate was 6.2%. On Monday, that’s 3.8%.
“Our community was great about our 3W. We really wear masks, 6 feet away and wash our hands. So when you actually take advantage of these precautions and implement them, it’s This is reflected in the numbers currently seen in our county, “said Dr. Nicole Musonga, director of epidemiology in the county.

See: How NCDHHS Secretary Dr. Mandikoen explains how North Carolina can continue to push down the percentage of positive tests

Similar to UNC in Orange County, outbreaks have been reported both on and around the University of North Carolina campus, with university leaders Shift undergraduate classes online.. Dr. Musonga emphasized the value of partnerships with neighboring counties, especially as the state works towards future reopening plans.

“The important thing to know is that everyone continues the work we have done with these precautions. It keeps the right distance, wears a mask, and when resuming, the governor. It’s important just to follow the orders of Dr. Musonga, “said Dr. Musonga. ..

Wake County reported 167 cases on September 4, the Friday before Labor Day, after Break through 120 new cases Since then, once a day.

In Dallam County, authorities Similar drop For the past two months. After the 7-day average on July 16 reached 74 cases per day, the 7-day average decreased to 30 cases as of Saturday, September 19. Part of the county’s success can be attributed to Duke. University officials Last week, it conducted 12,323 tests on students, faculty and staff, and reported 9 positive cases.

Copyright © 2020 WTVD-TV. all rights reserved.


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