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Why more people experience seasonal affective disorder this year


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Some experts believe that seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can be more pronounced due to the stress of COVID-19. Getty Images
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of recurrent depression that occurs in the fall and winter months and tends to disappear in the spring and summer months.
  • According to the American Psychiatric Association, about 5% of adults in the United States experience SAD, which usually lasts about 40% per year.
  • Mental health professionals can treat SAD.

Autumn brings colorful foliage and cool weather, but it can also cause seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Despite its acronym, SAD is more than just sad.

Also called seasonal depression or winter depression, SAD usually begins in late fall or early winter and usually subsides in spring and summer.

of American Psychiatric Association (APA) SAD can result from biochemical imbalances in the brain caused by sunlight and low sunlight time, which can shift the biological internal clock and disrupt our daily schedule. It explains.

Decreased levels of sunlight affect mood and can also affect serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with depression. Given the role of sunlight in the conditions in which you live, it is one of the major risk factors for SAD.

“The farther away you are from the equator, the higher the incidence of seasonal affective disorder. People living in Canada are at higher risk of developing this condition than people living in Florida.” Dr. Luis Allen, A psychiatrist, the director of the Behavioral Health Center at Advent Health, told Healthline.

by National Institutes of Health (NIH), The following factors can increase the risk of SAD.

  • Being a woman
  • Being a young adult
  • Have a family history of depression
  • Have a personal history of depression or bipolar disorder

In addition to typical risk factors, a pandemic may be involved in the development of this year’s SAD. Some experts believe that the stress of COVID-19 can make this condition more pronounced.

“COVID has brought about major changes in life, trauma and stress for many people, not to mention the physical illnesses of people infected with the virus. This is especially the northern part of our country and even the pandemic. It can be a serious concern for people with a history of SAD in the areas most affected by the virus. ”Daily Haruko, primary therapist. Vista Pines Health, A Delphi Behavioral Health Group The facility told the health line.

Since social withdrawal is one of the most common signs of SAD, Haruko says physical distance can increase risk in the coming months.

therapist Shanade George I agree.

“Restrictions on leisure and outdoor facilities, no opportunity to go out of the house, people who work at home and spend less time outdoors, and in addition to this, the government” stays at home safely ” [when]For many people, staying at home may not feel like a safe place, especially if they experience SAD, “she told Healthline.

In addition to social withdrawal, NIH has shown that other common signs and symptoms of SAD include:

  • Low energy
  • Excessive sleepiness (hypersomnia)
  • overeating
  • Weight gain
  • Craving for carbohydrates

Because SAD is a type of depression, the signs and symptoms of SAD are similar to those of depression.

“Individuals who show altered diet and sleep patterns, decreased energy levels, and decreased interest in normal activity, concentration, and concentration are significantly affected. The main difference in this disease is over the years. It has the ability to be predictable given what happens at a particular time, “Allen said.

If you have had SAD in the past, have a history of depression or depression, or have experienced increased stress or major changes in your life due to a pandemic, Haruko will prioritize self-care exercises this fall. Say.

“Emotional disorders may or may not always be prevented. However, there are many precautions that can help protect our mental health and well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate Good sleep is always an important aspect of daily self-care practice, “he said.

“Maintaining meaningful connections with close family and friends helps prevent and minimize SAD and other mental health conditions,” Haruko added.

Mental health usa Says that increasing the amount of light at home, spending more time outside, and visiting sunny climates are some of the precautions.

When it comes to precautions, George tells you to think about preparing for the flu season as you do.

“Before the winter season, we usually buy medicines or natural resources and prepare to pay special attention to the immune system, so when winter comes, take appropriate safety measures to prevent flu and colds. Already taken. This can also be implemented for people suffering from SAD [by] Secure [they have safety measures in place that] It is related to their symptoms, “she said.

The best way to prepare is to connect with a mental health professional who can decide on the right treatment.

Treatments include vitamin D supplementation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and drug therapies such as the antidepressant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).

Phototherapy can also help some people. It involves sitting in front of a phototherapy box that emits bright light while removing UV light.

According to APA, phototherapy usually involves sitting in front of the box in the morning for at least 20 minutes on the first day of the autumn and winter months.

“The combination of these different treatments makes it more effective in treating the condition,” Allen said. “Early intervention is better because it helps reduce the impact on an individual’s physical and emotional well-being.”


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