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Paris pre-Olympic fashion season is going to pack a punch

Paris pre-Olympic fashion season is going to pack a punch


This article was originally published on Vogue Business. To receive the Vogue Business newsletter, register here.

Schedules for Paris men's fashion and couture week are revealed, and it appears Olympics-related logistical issues haven't deterred designers from showing in the city.

The men's weekly schedule may be smaller, but it still features a total of 72 shows and presentations (up from 81 last year). Among those absent is Givenchy, which is looking for its next creative director following the departure of Matthew Williams; Valentino, whose new creative director Alessandro Michele will present its first collection in September; Paul Smith, who returns to Pitti Uomo this season; and the Berlin label GmbH.

A newcomer to the official show calendar is 032c by Berlin-based creative director Maria Koch (032c made its catwalk debut in January, but is not on the official calendar). Meanwhile, Officine Générale, Botter and Études are organizing presentations rather than shows.

All eyes will be on final show by Dries Van Noten before passing on the creative torch of his eponymous brand, and the Louis Vuitton fashion show by Pharrell Williams, after his successful debut on the Pont Neuf last June as well as a January show which paid homage to American western clothing. Other shows to watch include Loewe, Dior Mens, Rick Owens, Bianca Saunders (who will return to the Paris calendar) and Wales Bonner.

THE third edition of Vogue World will be held on Place Vendme Paris, historic jewelry square and headquarters of the Ritz Paris, on June 23 at 9 p.m. The event, which celebrates the intersection of fashion and sport, will bring together many talents, such as Carine Roitfeld, Ib Kamara, Palais Galliera curator Alexandre Samson, makeup artist Pat McGrath and Parris Goebel, the dancer and choreographer behind the Rihanna's Super Bowl halftime show. to show.

Alaa, who usually appears towards the end of men's week (June 18-23 this season), is to be confirmed. Contacted by Business Voguethe house indicated that the timing of the parade had not yet been set.

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Photo: Acielle/Stylemonde




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