Weighted blanket intervention reduces the severity of insomnia
Weighted blankets are a safe and effective intervention in the treatment of insomnia, Swedish researchers say.
The results of a randomized controlled trial showed that participants who used a weighted blanket for 4 weeks had significantly reduced insomnia severity, improved sleep maintenance, increased daytime activity levels, fatigue, depression and anxiety symptoms. Indicates that you have reported mitigation. Participants in the weighted blanket group were almost 26 times more likely to achieve a 50% or greater reduction in insomnia severity and were nearly 20 times more likely to achieve insomnia remission than the control group. Positive results were maintained during the 12-month open follow-up phase of the study.
The recommended description of sedative and sleep-promoting effects is the pressure that the chain blanket applies to different points of the body, similar to acupressure and massage, to stimulate the sensations of touch and muscles and joints. There is evidence to suggest that deep pressure stimulation increases parasympathetic excitement in the autonomic nervous system and at the same time reduces sympathetic excitement, which is thought to be responsible for the sedative effect. “
Dr. Matz Alder, Principal Investigator, Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
The study is in the September 15 issue Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine..
The study involved 120 adults (68% female, 32% male) previously diagnosed with psychiatric disorders associated with clinical insomnia: generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder. Hyperactivity disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder. Their average age was about 40 years.
Participants were randomized to sleep at home for 4 weeks using either chain-weighted blankets or control blankets. Participants assigned to the weighted blanket group tried an 8 kilogram (about 17.6 pounds) chain blanket at the clinic. Ten participants found it too heavy and received 6 kilograms (about 13.2 pounds) of blanket instead. Participants in the control group slept on a 1.5 kilogram light plastic chain blanket. The main outcome, changes in insomnia severity, was assessed using the insomnia severity index. Wrist actigraphy was used to estimate sleep and daytime activity levels.
Nearly 60% of weighted blanket users responded positively, with an ISI score reduction of more than 50% from baseline to the 4-week endpoint, compared to 5.4% in the control group. Remissions with a score of 7 or less on the ISI scale were 42.2% in the weighted blanket group and 3.6% in the control group.
After the first 4 weeks of study, all participants had the option of using a weighted blanket during the 12 month follow-up phase. They tested four different weighted blankets: two chain blankets (6 kg and 8 kg) and two ball blankets (6.5 kg and 7 kg). After testing, they were freely allowed to choose the blanket they liked, and chose the heaviest blanket.
Only one participant discontinued the study due to anxiety when using the blanket. Participants who switched from a control blanket to a weighted blanket experienced similar effects to patients who initially used a weighted blanket. Twelve months later, 92% of weighted blanket users were responders and 78% were in remission.
“I was amazed at the magnitude of the significant effect of weighted blankets on insomnia and was pleased with the reduced levels of both anxiety and depression,” Adler said.
Also published in the September issue with related commentary JCSMDr. William McCool writes that the findings support the “retention environment” theory of psychoanalysis. It states that touch is a fundamental need to provide calm and comfort. McCall urges providers to consider sleep quality and the impact of bedding on sleep quality, seeking additional research into the effects of weighted blankets.
Journal reference:
Ekholm, B & Spulber, S (2020) A randomized controlled study of weighted chain blankets for insomnia in psychiatric disorders. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine..
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