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Reduced response by “killer” T cells responsible for high mortality in elderly COVID-19 patients: study


Ani |
Has been updated:
September 27, 2020 20:22 IS

State of Washington [US], September 22 (ANI): COVID-19 helps older patients have a higher risk of severity and death than younger patients, and a new study comparing immune responses between age groups helps explain why There is a possibility.
Researchers have found that older patients with the disease have a lower frequency of immune cells needed to expel the virus from the body. This study was published this week in mBio, an open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology.
Dr. Jenna Dieselinsky, a virologist at a university hospital, said, “The elderly are more severe than the young, and the cytotoxic part of the immune system is inefficient in responding to the virus in the elderly. “. Essen, Germany, who led a new study.
He and his colleagues analyzed blood samples of 30 people with mild cases of COVID-19 and T cellsRequired for recognition and elimination of infected cells is a reaction during SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients ranged in age from mid-20s to late 90s. In all patients, researchers are acute SARS-CoV-2 infection Led to a smaller number T cells In the patient’s blood compared to a healthy individual.

This reduction is one of the many unwelcome surprises from COVID-19, Zelinskyy said. When most viruses enter the body, they cause an increase in the expansion of the immune system. T cells.. These include “killers” T cellsIt plays an important role in the eradication of virus-infected cells. They produce cytotoxic molecules that destroy infected cells in the body. But if the human immune system produces some of these T cellsZelinsky said he wasn’t very successful in eradicating the virus infection.
In a group of COVID-19 patients studied by Zelinskyy and his colleagues, researchers also found that the number of CD8 + was T cells The production of cytotoxic molecules in response to the virus decreased with increasing age, and on average the decrease was significantly higher in patients aged 80 years and older. In addition, “killer” T cells Cytotoxic molecules in patients aged 80-96 years were produced less frequently than similar cells in younger patients.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus attaches to cells in the nose or mouth. From there, it can spread to the lungs and move to other organs, causing life-threatening infections. “Cytotoxicity T cells During this acute phase of infection, we really fight for control, “Zerinsky said.
if Senior citizens The patient’s immune system produces less killer T cells, And these cells are underarmed, he said, they may have begun inadequate defense against SARS-CoV-2. The viral particles continue to spread, and as a result, the infection is exacerbated.
New data are cytotoxic T cells Although playing an important role in controlling early infections, Zelinsky warned that it was premature to know if the relationship could be used to design effective immunotherapies that use these cells. .. In a previous study of viral infections in mice, his group found a checkpoint inhibitor-a killer-activating immunotherapy. T cells Effectively releases the brakes of the immune system-initially improved viral control, but later could damage the lungs and other organs. He also said further research is needed to better understand the potential risks and benefits of interference. T cells As a way to control SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. (Ani)


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