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Refrigerated truck parked outside a New York City hospital as an improvised morgue amid a surge in COVID-19 deaths


As the case COVID-19 continues to grow in the United StatesPresident Donald Trump has now ordered a refrigerator van to wait to assist with the attendance of a potentially affected American who may succumb to a deadly coronavirus pandemic.

Refrigerated truck outside Alexandria Center

(Photo: @bestgug Twitter screenshot)

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Trump certainly did last Sunday At least 100,000 Americans can die By April 30 will be imposed longer suspension guidelines from the virus.

The traditional scoop

A New York City hospital has set up a makeshift morgue just outside the facility to address the massive overflow that could cause the Americans to fall sick with the coronavirus. Refrigerated trucks are parked outside the five wards on weekends. A brown tent was also found on site with medical staff and staff responding to a rapid assessment of a potential coronavirus patient.

As of Sunday night, more than 33,768 residents of New York City were positive for coronavirus.

Queens, the largest autonomous region, suffered the worst in just 10,373 cases. Brooklyn has about 8,451 and the Bronx has 6,145. Manhattan has 5,438 patients and Staten Island has more than 1,866 patients.

Within just 24 hours from Saturday to Sunday night, 161 people have died in the city. If this does not surprise you or prevent you from leaving home unnecessarily, nothing will happen.

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The overall mortality rate for the entire city is about 776 late Sunday. New York residents have more than 1,000 deaths as the first outbreak of the pandemic hit the shores of the United States.

What is the government’s response?

New york city Meyerville de Blasio Despite his efforts to keep his city intact against the pandemic, there are a total of 59,513 confirmed cases throughout his state, despite his efforts.

“This is a phenomenal number, and this is unprecedented. We have never seen our EMS system receive so many calls.”

On Sunday, medical staff began assembling a triage tent outside a New York City hospital, which has already been overwhelmed by coronavirus patients due to shortages.

Mount Sinai system is imposed. This means six temporary hospitals, five in New York City and one in Long Island, to prepare for the expected heavy rainfall of COVID-19 patients. You.

Hospital officials said in a statement last week that “tents will be important in helping us limit the spread of illness between patients and staff.”

The scene last ended on a pessimistic day, 9/11, during a terrorist attack shaking the whole world.

The refrigerated truck used at that time was for storing parts of the body found in rubble at the World Trade Center. The terrible incident killed 2,753 people.

Refrigerated truck outside Alexandria Center

(Photo: @bestgug Twitter screenshot)

Keeping yourself and your family safe is more important than ever, given that refrigerated trucks have been installed outside of hospitals in order to prepare for the worst case scenario.

read more: The TB vaccine may vaccinate you from COVID-19, but it leaves a mark! Want to try it?

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