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How Nurses Can Get Better Sleep During COVID Hours


All such worries and dramas can lead to “excessive arousal, anxiety and stimulus control problems.” It’s like thinking of a cozy bed as a panicked place rather than drifting. Restorative sleep, Shin added. “In addition, certain lifestyle changes, such as house arrest and self-isolation, can also have a negative impact on sleep health.”

Predicting these increasing numbers of cases and the economic impact of COVID-19 is not a nurse-specific concern, but whether to prevent falling asleep in the first place or to awaken the sleep cycle with a persistent sensation. Regardless of their fear, they will also be sacrificed. “Everything that’s happening now can make people more vulnerable to insomnia,” said Philip Chen, a clinical psychologist and research scientist at the Center for Sleep Disorders. Henry Ford Health System Said.

“It’s a vicious cycle. When you lose sleep, your emotions can feel more intense,” Chen told the HFHS blog. “Existing stressors are more stressed and less able to calm down because they can also reduce their ability to regulate emotions. And when they become more sensitive to stress, their thoughts trigger stress. . “

to seeSleep tips for nurses working in the early hours

Can I get this list yet? According to Lisa Medary, a board-certified clinical psychologist who is an expert in behavioral sleep medicine at the University of Chicago, yes, you and your broad awakened self can “confuse your nighttime sleep schedule.” We are also dealing with the loss of structure during the day.She wrote in UChicagoMedicine Blog, “Inconsistent bedtime and wake-up times can shift pressure or urge to sleep, making it difficult to predict your ability to fall asleep. Finally, depression, increased downtime, and energy. Increases long naps and makes it harder to fall asleep at night. “

all right! Maybe it’s some little comfort that you shouldn’t feel chosen. The fight against sleep now is a natural reaction to both your work and overtime situations. But like so many issues during a pandemic, this is something you can’t afford to slip. Nurses need sleep!

“Without easy access to normal coping skills (social support, exercise, etc.) in shelter-in-place, it’s not easy to work at its best,” explained Medary. “Sufficient sleep can maximize your chances of having a better day in these situations. Optimal sleep regulates mood, improves brain function and during the day. Helps increase energy and overall productivity. “

But don’t think of this elusive sleep as another thing that makes you feel guilty and worried that you haven’t achieved it. In fact, throwing away that and some other ideas about “what you have to do” can be the first step in getting a good night’s sleep in the COVID-19 era.

If you don’t get what Chen calls “a peaceful 7-9 hours of sleep,” take a break. “If you worry about insomnia, you’re less likely to sleep, so don’t worry about sleep disorders,” he advised.

to seeA hard night?Veteran nurse on how to bounce after a tough shift

Also, try some other tactics recommended by sleep professionals. All of that is what you can do now, you don’t have to wait for vaccines or vacation days, cooperation from school-aged children or something else is awakening you. Read and sleep, nurse!

Stick to some structures. Sure, that would be easy (nurses have never said). But to kill the beast that isn’t sleeping, it’s a good idea to “make sure you have a regular schedule and stick to your regular wake-up time,” Chen said. Said. This means that if your kids are in a virtual school in the living room, or if a colleague is picking up an extra shift when they call out, they will make every attempt to get up and go to bed at the same time each day. It encourages your body to predict when it will sleep and when it will be awakening-awakening time.

And consider sticking to the schedule as much as possible for the rest of the day, Medary added. “At certain times, we work on our daily activities (eg, exercise, diet, socializing) and build our daily structure, which supports normal bedtime and wake-up times,” she said. “Set a mobile phone reminder to fix the schedule and set it as a reminder to turn off the screen one hour before bedtime.”

If possible, skip the nap. Even if you slept a little the night before, Chen advised you not to take a nap unless you are in danger at work. If you don’t take a nap, you’re more likely to get tired and sleep when the assigned bedtime arrives.

Stay away from electronics near your bed, especially news updates. “People spend their last time looking at their screen the moment they wake up (news updates, COVID-19 education, social connections),” Medary added. “The blue light from these screens tells the brain to stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin, which can lead to sleep disorders.”

According to Chen, you can watch a small TV before bedtime as long as you are far enough away from your face that it does not interfere with your circadian rhythm. But he means TV, not a phone or laptop placed near your face.

Pay attention to the temperature in the bedroom. Chen recommends setting the dark room and thermostat between 65-70.

Exercise in the afternoon. Even if you’re having a hard time finding time or motivation to work, don’t be prompted to do aerobic exercise just before you go to bed. It raises your core body temperature, which will interfere, Chen explained and recommended afternoon exercise instead. “There is evidence that exercising late in the afternoon, rather than in the morning, helps with deep sleep,” he said.

Reduces late shift caffeine. Ideally, the system should be caffeine-free at bedtime, even from energy drinks and sodas that tend to throb near the end of the shift. It’s too close to bedtime. “Caffeine can stay in the body for eight hours, which is longer than most people think,” Chen said. “I stopped taking caffeine around 2 or 3 pm.”

to seeCoffee in the night shift nurses, friends, enemies?

Avoid alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime. No one is going to rob you of that glass of wine! However, do not drink alcohol too close to bedtime, even if you do not drive because you are staying longer during the safety restrictions at home. You may get sleepy at first, but you wake up during your sleep cycle because you need to metabolize and urinate.

Do not use sleep as a weapon. More sleep will certainly be great, but it’s important to remind yourself that you don’t have the psychic powers to guarantee the results. Please do your best. However, be aware that it may not be a complete success. “Sleep is important, but don’t worry!” Medary advised. “Worrying about sleep turns into more stress. Instead, do your best to get to bed on time and follow these tips if you have problems. Always be in control of what you can control. Don’t forget to go back. You cannot control the outcome of your efforts, you only control the efforts themselves. “

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