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Even if you get the coronavirus vaccine, you will still need to wear a mask for the next two years


Hundreds of companies are competing for the production of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the government hopes that jabs will be available at the end of 2020.

But even if successful vaccines are available on the market Experts say It takes at least two years to completely contain the coronavirus pandemic, but people still need to wear a face mask at all times.

Outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Manchester

(Photo: Reuters / Jason Voorhees)
After the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Manchester, England, on August 10, 2020, people are sitting outside a bar in Manchester city center.

According to a prominent Spanish virologist, Dr. Margarita del Val, head of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)-Salud Global / Global Health, said he should continue to wear a face mask for at least a couple of years. .. ..

“It’s going to be a marathon”

The virologist said Market watch He said lifestyle changes and health measures are still needed to ensure control of the virus. “We have to wear masks, take some steps for a couple of years and get used to integrating them into our daily lives,” said Dr. Derval.

Students, residents and tourists live their daily lives in the COVID-19 pandemic in Oxford

(Photo: Reuters / Toby Melville)
A man wearing a protective face mask passes a poster outside the currently closed New Theater Oxford during a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Oxford, England, on September 17, 2020. I will.

Doctors also said we might get over this in a few years, but that wouldn’t be a short path. “It’s going to be a marathon,” Dr. Del Val added, adding that people would have to wear face masks and continue practicing social distance once they leave home.

Read again: More than 4,000 New York children lost their parents in COVID-19: leaving up to 25% for foster parents, the report said

Second wave in the UK

The UK will announce a new set of coronavirus restrictions for fear of a second wave of winter coronavirus.

The epidemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Rome

(Photo: REUTERS / Guglielmo Mangiapane)
People wearing protective face masks pantheon as the local government of Rome, the capital of Italy, ordered them to always wear face covers outdoors to combat the epidemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Rome. Standing in front of Italy, October 8, 2020.

Beginning Monday, October 12, UK authorities will begin imposing stricter restrictions as the Minister is discussing plans for a new “traffic light” system for UK local lockdown rules. As winter approached, thousands of vulnerable people living in coronavirus hotspots were asked to protect themselves as the infection continued to increase.

This plan has not yet been finalized, but it can actually be delayed as quarantine can affect the mental health of affected individuals.

In the UK, about 2.2 million people are considered “clinically very vulnerable” and have already been quarantined during the health crisis, after which the plan was “suspended” in July. ..

After recording 17,540 cases of coronavirus confirmed on October 8, Skill Minister Gillian Keegan said: BBC question time The situation is out of control. “This is serious. It’s getting out of control and we have to do something to regain control,” Keegan said, saying the government needs to take swift action to further control the spread of the virus. He added that there is.

Professor John Edmonds said COVID-19 is leading the UK in waiting games before the virus has a full impact on the National Health Service.

Edmonds, a member of the government’s Emergency Science Advisory Group, also said in the UK that “we are not far from expanding healthcare services.” He added that even if we could stop the epidemic now, infected people would still wait another week or two before going to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top US infectious disease expert, warned that public health measures are still needed even after vaccination of 80% of the population.

Read again: The UK will start injecting COVID-19 vaccine by November, leaked documents say

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