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New studies show a relationship between COVID-19 and sleep problems

New studies show a relationship between COVID-19 and sleep problems


Although there are many assumptions about the method in progress Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Impact of pandemic sleep Around the world, little is known about how sleep ultimately affected parents and children.

A team led by Dr. Gadir Zlake of the Department of Psychology, Center for Psychological Biology, University of Max Stern Jezril Valley, found that pandemics and family captivity could affect mothers’reports of anxiety, insomnia, and sleep problems. We investigated some results among 264 children from 6 to 72 months in Israel.

The study population included 120 male children with an average age of 31.27 months. Approximately 38% of the babies surveyed had the firstborn, but the average number of children in the family was 2.15. The average age of mothers in this study was 33.97 years, and their average education period was 16.37 years. In addition, 54.2% of mothers reported changes in family income due to the crisis.

Investigators specifically investigated whether mothers experienced symptoms of their insomnia and changes in their children’s sleep between pre-crisis and crisis.

Researchers conducted a web-based survey four weeks after the blockade of Israel.

Researchers have found a high frequency of maternal clinical insomnia in recent months. It was 11% in the first or second month before the pandemic, compared to 23% in the pandemic.

We also found that about 80% of mothers reported no changes in their children’s sleep quality, duration, and sleep morphology during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the other hand, about 30% of these mothers reported negative changes in sleep quality and decreased sleep time in their children. Some mothers reported positive changes.

“These findings suggest that changes in sleep patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic are diverse and unified changes for exacerbations should not be expected,” the authors write. .. “Further consideration of sleep changes in the context of the family during this ongoing crisis is needed.”

An ongoing pandemic is associated with many psychiatric and other problems, including depression, anxiety, and sleep. The disruption of traditional work and school time only exacerbates those problems.

Researchers have long believed that sleep is important for the mental and psychosocial well-being of both adults and children.

“Confinement and major changes in daily life in today’s stressful homes, higher levels of anxiety, reduced exposure to sunlight, increased exposure to blue light due to extensive reliance on digital media, dietary changes , And any loss of physical activity can have a negative impact, due to sleep quality, “the author writes.

Recently, Greek researchers found that 37.6% of participants had an insomnia cut-off score, well above the pre-pandemic estimated global prevalence of 10%. did.

the study, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Israel (COVID-19) Mothers’ Awareness of Sleep Problems in Children and Mothers During a PandemicWas published online Sleep Research Journal..


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