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Hundreds of quarantine guests at hotels in Victoria need to be tested for HIV for the risk of blood test contamination.Victoria


Over 200 people quarantined in the hotel Victoria HIV screening should be done in the face of the risk of mutual contamination due to misuse of blood glucose testers.

From March 29 to August 20, several such devices were used by multiple people in quarantine, requiring screening for blood infections such as hepatitis B and C and HIV.

These monitors, which take small blood samples from your fingertips, are intended for repeated use by only one person. A small amount of blood can remain in the machine during the needle change after each use, reducing the clinical risk of mutual contamination and infection.

Safer Care Victoria, the state’s health and safety agency, guarantees to the public that there is no risk of Covid-19 spreading because the disease is not transmitted by the blood.

Since then, these devices are no longer in circulation.

In a statement, an agency spokesman said he had identified 243 people tested by one of the shared machines during the time frame in question and would be contacted for screening. “As a precautionary measure, we will contact everyone if there are any conditions or episodes that may require testing.”

Victoria’s Prime Minister, Daniel Andrews, called the incident “a clinical error that happened a while ago.”

“SaferCare Victoria made some announcements related to clinical errors made a while back. The risk is very low, but you can’t take the risk with these things. Follow them up properly. You have to, and that’s exactly what happened. “ He said at a press conference on Tuesday.

Health Minister Martin Foley said there is currently no evidence that anyone is infected, but a nurse at Alfred Hospital identified and flagged the breach in August.

He has safer care Victoria and the human department health The service then examined 28,000 medical records and found all who were potentially at risk. This process took several weeks.

“According to all clinical advice, this should be emphasized that the risk of mutual contamination is very low, but with great care, Safer Care Victoria and Alfred are doing exactly what is right.” He says. Said.

He said 141 people have already been contacted and 71 have been tested so far.

The Victorian hotel quarantine system is plagued by infection control issues, with independent investigations showing that more than 90% of the second wave of Covid-19 cases in the state is due to outbreaks in hotels.

Two senior government officials have already resigned from handling the system Health Minister Jenny Mikakos Chris Eccles, Prime Minister and Secretary of the Cabinet Office.

Ann Maree Keenan, CEO of Safer Care Victoria, said there is “a complete review of how and why this device came to be used.”

“Because the health of past quarantine residents is our immediate concern, arranging their screening is our absolute priority. The clinical risk is low. But if you do If you’re worried that you’ve taken this test-and we haven’t contacted you yet-call us, “she said.

“For now, I can’t answer many of the questions people have about how this happened … I hope we can get people involved in the test and bring peace of mind through the results of our reviews. I am. “

Blood glucose tests are most commonly used by diabetics, but patients with this condition are more likely to be using their personal device.

Instead, Safer Care is concerned that shared devices may have been used by pregnant women, fainted people, or people who are generally ill during their stay in a hotel quarantine. I will.

Anyone who has been quarantined at the hotel, has had a blood glucose test, or has had a medical episode that may need to be tested should call 1800 356061 to arrange screening time. We sought.

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