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New leukemia treatments target specific proteins in the blood to prevent the development of cancer

New leukemia treatments target specific proteins in the blood to prevent the development of cancer


Martinsrieth, Germany— Leukemia is a cancer of the blood that prevents the body from fighting infections. Stem cells in the disease are usually hidden in the patient’s bone marrow, but one study found that new treatments could remove these cells from protective tumors. German researchers say treatments that target specific proteins in the blood may bring new hopes for leukemia treatment.

Martinsried’s team at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry found that removing Kindlin-3 from mouse blood cells did not cause leukemia.No suitable home In the bone marrow To protect them, leukemia stem cells float in the blood until they die.

Researchers explain that blood cells have a limited lifespan in any organism. People constantly lose blood cells due to bleeding and infections, and the body is constantly exchanging blood cells. Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells are responsible for the development of both red blood cells and white blood cells.

In patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia, these stem cells mutate and fuse with gene-building blocks that normally remain separate. Improperly constructed chromosomes, or Philadelphia chromosomes, provide the genetic information to make the BCR-ABL oncogene.The whole process results Leukemia stem cells It acts selfishly in the body and interferes with blood stem cells.

Do you have protein?No cancer

The study found that tumor-like protective niches are needed for leukemia stem cells to survive. These cells use so-called “integrins” to attach to proteins outside the cell. Integrins specifically look for a protein called kindrin.

“Isoform Kindlin-3 is used only by blood cells. If a mouse has leukemia stem cells that lack Kindlin-3, it does not develop leukemia,” explains lead author Peter Krenne. Media release.. “Without Kindlin-3 and active integrins, leukemia stem cells cannot attach to niche environments and are released from the bone marrow into the blood. They cannot return to other places, so they are in the blood. It remains, where leukemia stem cells lack urgently needed support and usually die from a niche. “

How does the new leukemia treatment work?

The authors of the study say that leukemia stem cells have a unique protein on the surface of the cells called CTLA-4.These proteins do not appear in healthy blood stem cells, so the team Cancer body.. Scientists used the CTLA-4 receptor to deliver a compound that destroys kindrin-3 to leukemia stem cells.

“CTLA-4 is present on the cell surface for only a short time, then rapidly recirculates inside the cell and then returns to the cell surface again, by binding to a CTLA-4 binding RNA sequence called an aptamer. , Kindlin-3 -degrading siRNA was able to be introduced into cells. Kindlin-3-free leukemia stem cells are washed away from the bone marrow, leukemia loses its origin and runs out of fuel, “said the institute’s molecule. Researchers in the Faculty of Medicine add.

Researchers say the new approach provides a successful way to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia in mice, but the results are also Unlock treatment Also for humans.

“When the production of Kindlin-3 is blocked and the resulting loss of integrin function, cancer cells cannot attach to and colonize the tumor-promoting niche. This method also works for other types of leukemia. I think it could prevent cancer cells from colonizing and thus make these diseases much more curable, “Krenn concludes.

Studies will appear in the journal Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences..

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