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Tier 2 Meaning for Plymouth: High Risk Rules and Their Impact on Us

Tier 2 Meaning for Plymouth: High Risk Rules and Their Impact on Us


The city saw a surge in coronavirus cases last week, and health care managers warn that if the numbers continue to grow, they may move towards stricter restrictions.

The number of COVID 19 cases surged 350 in just one week, And now there are coronavirus clusters in all parts of Plymouth, with more than half of the defined areas of the city now more than 10.

The latest Government and Public Health England data reveal the portion of Plymouth with the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Data show that between the week of October 15th and October 21st, cases of two or more coronaviruses called clusters were reported in all regions of Plymouth, and cities were populated based on the 2011 census. It shows that it was divided into areas of about 7,500 people.

The last places to move to Tier 2 nationwide, such as Coventry and Slough, have consistently been on the rise over the past few weeks, with cases spreading throughout the city and 100 per 100,000 in recent weeks. The rate of cases exceeding is increasing. Plymouth.

The numbers show that Plymouth is currently at a rate of 119.8 per 100,000, which is growing rapidly.

Plymouth remains Tier 1-Medium Alert for now. But what exactly does Plymouth mean when it is upgraded to Tier 2 (higher level) in COVID terms?

Tier 2 Plymouth-Stricter restrictions on socializing, pub visits, and meeting friends and family

For one thing, it would mean a household that cannot be mixed indoors, including home, leisure, or hospitality locations.

This means you can’t meet friends from other households in pubs and restaurants.

Households can be mixed outdoors, including parks and private gardens, unless they are in groups of 6 or more.

As long as it operates in a secure manner with Covid-19, the company can continue to operate unless the law requires it to be closed.

Certain companies need to consume food and drink only while the customer is sitting, and must close between 10 pm and 5 am.

If Plymouth were to be in the Tier 2 area, what else would it change?

Companies and venues that sell off-site food can continue to sell after 10 pm as long as they are through delivery services, click-and-collect, or drive-through. Customers should not be on the premises, even if they are waiting to collect food for take-out.

People can get inside your home-but only for a specific purpose.

These include:

Where everyone in the rally lives together or is in the same support bubble

Attend childbirth at the request of the mother

Visit a dying person

To fulfill legal obligations

For work purposes, or for the provision of voluntary or philanthropic services

For educational or training purposes

For the purpose of childcare

Provide emergency assistance

To allow one or more people in the rally to avoid injury, illness, or risk of harm

To facilitate home relocation. To provide care and support to vulnerable people.

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Exemption-Other places allowed to remain open

If the child does not live in the same household as the parents, or if one of the parents is exempt, the existing arrangements for access and contact between the parents and the child will continue to be exempt.

Friends and family can also offer informal childcare to children under the age of 14.

Schools, universities and places of worship remain open

Exercise classes and organized sports can continue to be held outdoors.These are only allowed indoors if people can avoid mixing with people who do not live together or share a support bubble, or for youth and disabled sports

You can travel to areas outside the Tier 2 restrictions unless you travel with people from other households

Laws and regulations that must be followed in Tier 2

you must:

Wear face covers in areas where this is mandatory

You need to continue to:

Follow the rules of social distance

Work from home where you can effectively do so

If possible, walk or bike, or plan ahead to avoid busy times and routes on public transport.

Can we meet Friends and family?

Under the rules You cannot meet friends or family indoors.

The guidance states, “Unless you live with friends and family or form a support bubble with them, you should not socially meet friends and family indoors. This includes private homes and Includes other indoor venues such as pubs and restaurants.

“A support bubble is a place where a household with one adult joins another. Households within the support bubble can continue to visit each other, stay overnight, and visit public places together. I can do it.

“Informal childcare can also be provided through a childcare bubble.”

Meetings in large groups are against the law, and arrested persons may initially face a fine of £ 200, and further violations double the fine to up to £ 6,400.

Organizers and large events can be fined £ 10,000.

Exceptions to mixed different households

Groups from different households may come together. they are:

With legally permitted support bubbles

With a legally permitted childcare bubble

Volunteers or volunteers who provide charitable services for work

For registered childcare, education or training

If the child does not live in the same household as both parents or guardians

For prospective adoptive parents to meet one or more children who may be placed together

For supervised activities offered to children, including wraparound care (childcare before and after school), youth groups and activities, and children’s play groups

For childbirth partners

To see the dying person

To provide emergency assistance and avoid injury or illness, or to avoid the risk of harm

To fulfill legal obligations such as attending courts and juries

Providing care and support to vulnerable people

To make it easier to move home

For weddings or equivalent ceremonies and wedding receptions where the organizer has conducted a risk assessment and has taken all reasonable steps to limit the risk of transmission of the virus – up to 15 people (not in private residences)

For funerals – up to 30 people. Wake and other commemorative events can accommodate up to 15 people (not in private residences).

For elite athletes and their coaches required for competition and training, and parents or guardians if children

Outdoor exercise and dance classes, organized outdoor sports, licensed outdoor physical activity

For indoor organized sports for the disabled, educational sports, supervised sports under the age of 18 and physical activity

Support groups of up to 15 participants – groups formally organized to provide mutual aid, treatment, or other forms of support (not in private residences)

Protest – if organized in compliance COVID-Safe Guidance

Can more than 6 people be in one place?

Places that regularly host 6 or more people can still do so, but they should not be confused with others in another household.

This means that pubs, restaurants and places of worship can be left open, but group mixing is limited.

As a result, you can no longer eat in a restaurant with someone from another household or have a drink in a pub with someone other than the one you live with. However, the support bubble exemption does apply.

Anything with a case rate of more than 100 per 100,000 population appears to be the baseline measurements used. This is not accurate, but it is a guideline as a starting point.


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