Louisville musician Brigitte Kerin fights breast cancer diagnosis
Let’s skip all this.
It was Brigit Kaelin’s attitude when the doctor told her she wanted to have a mastectomy for an 8mm tumor found in her right. milk.
The anomaly was avoidedBothMammograms and ultrasound, and it only appeared on diagnostic MRI COVID-19 was delayed three times this year in September.
She knew for months that she had something wrong with her body. This was the first time a doctor had found cancer in her, but Kerin had been fighting the disease for over 20 years.
Cancer messed up her family history. She saw it kill both her parents.
All women on the mother’s side of the family had breast or ovarian cancer, and all men were diagnosed with prostate or colon cancer.
She was already caring for both boys and at the age of 42 she knew she didn’t need her breasts anymore. They weren’t worth dying.
“This is clearly heredity,” she said. “Please delete both.”
By the time I talked to Kerin on the phone, she had been home for about 10 days from an outpatient double mastectomy and was waiting for results.
Originally she planned to keep her cancer herself when she was diagnosed on September 18. She had a painful memory that she knew her mother had to fight the illness, and she didn’t want to do it to others.
Then she realized that sharing this part of herself was one of the few things she could do. The diagnosis is more than a month old, but her story is already one of vigilance, self-awareness, and advocacy for herself. She agreed to let me tell you about it in commemoration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
But before you dive into it, know that Kerin has far more than its 8mm tumor.
More:A retired JCPS counselor once defeated cancer, but now she is learning to live with cancer again
Louisville women are true entertainers and storytellers. The singer-songwriter plays more than 10 instruments and tours Europe every year, making it a staple of the local music scene. In addition, she is currently working on a memoir about her time spent as a caregiver for her mother and father.
Kaelin didn’t expect the book to be the third act of his cancer. It’s the cruelest and most incredible plot twist of the year, totally unimaginable.
Her generation has seen so many romantic comedies, she told me, in the end you think your life will be “cleaned up”.Between taking care of her parents and now this isn’t justIn her case.
She first noticed something shortly after her father died last summer. She began to devote more energy to self-care and she knew she was feeling sick. Of course I might have been worried, and many told her that. It may have been sadness. She was 42 years old and has now lost her parents. She was an only child, so the only family she had now was the one she built with her husband.
They are mild symptoms and can mean something. She lost her appetite. The sensations of tingling and burning sensation did not disappear in her, and the pain spread above and below her shoulders. She first started talking to a general practitioner about her fears in November.
Kerin saw her father get worse while caring for her mother who died in September 2018. He fought cold and breathing symptoms that all doctors seemed to think were just allergies.
By the time they caught her father’s sinus cancer, it was too late. The illness got worse and I turned my eyes over. She saw the pain her eldest son experienced when cancer took his vibrant and friendly grandfather (his buddy and best friend) and attacked his entire body.
“His cancer experience is that you really get sick, feel terrible, and die,” she told me.
She didn’t want to see her son sadden her.
So she threw everything she had with that tingle.
Relation:Louisville clothing company helps women hide drains after breast cancer surgery
Kaelin was planning a diagnostic mammogram on March 11th, but everyone knows what happened that week. With the hit of COVID-19, Louisville-based musicians had to “cancel everything”, losing almost every gig and the kids started going to school from home. In all of that, her mammogram has returned vividly.
Needless to say, their world has changed, but neverthelessNegative mammograms, heightened fear of her body, were not.
After all, she also knew that Mammogram had missed her mother’s cancer for the first time.
So she and her children read books, many books. They spent an outdoor movie night with their neighbors. There, everyone sat a few feet away and wore masks.
She managed to qualify for a high-risk breast cancer clinic, but just because she was on their roster did not mean they could treat her. Between the pandemic and the fact that her age put her at the bottom of their list, she encountered multiple delays.
She underwent rotator cuff surgery to help what appeared to be shoulder pain. Although it was considered essential, the next test on her list was not a diagnostic MRI involving lying on her stomach and hanging her breasts in two cones.
She finally went to MRI on September 10th, and it revealed that the tumor she knew had been there all the time by mammogram and ultrasound methods she didn’t have. Six days later, she underwent a biopsy, and two days later, while she and her sons were making crafts under a tree, Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, was called.
Kerin got cancer.
“It was a partial relief in that I got the definitive answer,” she told me. “Pandemic uncertainty is crazy about us. It’s without a diagnosis of cancer, it’s pure uncertainty.”
For a while she enjoyed the feeling that she hadn’t created an illness in her mind.
Then she was angry.
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“No one can tell you that you’ll be fine,” she said. What do you know “
Having just lost her parents, she knew what a nightmare of manipulating the healthcare system would be. There is a learning curve that accompanies it, she told me, and she didn’t have time for her husband to adapt to it.
Kerin wanted to book a book, and she wanted the tumor to disappear. She had already lived with her internal anomalies for too long. They originally offered her surgery in mid-November, but she pushed back.
“I’m young,” she recalled that first week. “I have these kids. I’m going to live. You’re not going to postpone my surgery.”
Girlfriend On October 8th, she checked in to the hospital for surgery. Due to the pandemic, she received outpatient treatment and her husband waited for her outside the hospital for most of the Her two little sons spent the afternoon playing outside at their neighbor’s house.
She had no memory of driving home and came up the stairs on the way to realize that the children were still awake after bedtime.
But she was at home, and her breasts and their tumors finally disappeared.
A few days later, when Kerin and I talked on the phone, her two sons (one preschooler and one first grader) were having a “math war” behind us. She stopped for a moment when the youngest screamed frustrated.
“This is 3rd grade math and it’s difficult because you’re 4 years old,” I heard she told him over the phone.
It’s the kind of conversation she should have had on Monday morning while she homeschooled her kids in the middle of a pandemic.Instead, but weHe relived everything up to that double mastectomy and talked about everything he still had to come.
Kerin felt exhausted from anesthesia and clouded her brain. She had mastectomy pain and had a pain in her armpit. She couldn’t feel her breasts at all.
“I can tap my so-called boobs, and it’s nothing,” she said.
Still, she told me that if the doctor did, she would have them take her ovaries tomorrow. Given her family history, she expects them to eventually cause problems.
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But for the time being, she is worried that she will need radiation and chemotherapy, and that these treatments will make her a bad mother. Kerin has seen what those drugs can do for a person, and that’s not what she wants her sons, Graham and Angus, to have to grow around.
She already has energy and misses running around the backyard with them.
A fewA few days after our story, she told me by text message. The doctor actually found four tumors in her right breast and staged them in 1a. They are smaller than peanuts and the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes.
Her “skip all this” spirit helped her well, and mastectomy probably couldn’t get them all.
But she also knows that this isn’t over yet. She is waiting for a test to determine if treatment is needed. We are also investigating a second opinion to ensure that all locations are covered.
“I’m trying to lower my expectations for the future, so I can feel something like control,” she told me.
Columnist Maggie Menderski writes about why Louisville, Southern Indiana, Kentucky is unique, wonderful, and sometimes a bit strange. If you have something in your family, your town, or your closet that fits that description, she wants to hear from you. Say hello at [email protected] or 502-582-7137. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @MaggieMendersk
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