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Coronavirus infection rate drops from last week when mass trial pilots begin

Coronavirus infection rate drops from last week when mass trial pilots begin
Coronavirus infection rate drops from last week when mass trial pilots begin


Hundreds of people have been tested as part of the Pilot’s Coronavirus (Covid-19) test program, but new data show that infection rates across England and Wales appear to be declining.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), an estimated 618,700 people (1 in 90) were infected with the coronavirus between October 25 and 31 in the UK, up from 568,100 last week. ..

However, although infection rates have increased in recent weeks, “the rate of increase is not as steep as in previous weeks,” ONS said.

Test center

The latest figures were cueed outside Liverpool’s new test center and opened at noon as part of the first mass coronavirus testing program. At the Liverpool Tennis Center, one of the six facilities that opened on November 6, people began to wait about 45 minutes outside before opening.

The military was brought into the city to help provide plans to use lateral flow tests to provide results within an hour for people who do not show symptoms of the virus.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said piloting in Merseyside for the next 10 days could be “a real way to survive the crisis.” However, health experts said plans to screen Liverpool populations for coronavirus were not relevant.Angela Ruffle, a public health consultant Said:

From screening experience, without first careful evaluation, without proper quality assurance channels, without certainty of on-site test performance, without complete information for participants, and no means of guaranteeing it. So, when a screening program is undertaken, the necessary interventions for those with positive results are actually made, and the result is an expensive mess that is more harmful than good.

In the letter, five public health experts said the plan was contrary to the advice of the Emergency Science Advisory Group (SAGE), saying:

Finding asymptomatic but infectious people is like looking for a needle that temporarily appears in a haystack.

and again:

The potential for harmful diversion of resources and public funds is enormous. There are also concerns about the potential vested interests of commercial companies offering new, yet undervalued tests.


The government will announce on November 7 that the comprehensive provisions will be extended to allow all UK pubs to serve takeaway food and liquor. Meanwhile, Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club and Salford’s Raleigh are one of eight cultural organizations and venues. The latest round of coronavirus financing.

As of November 6, the government said an additional 355 people had died within 28 days of being tested positive for the coronavirus. As of 9 am, there were an additional 23,287 cases confirmed by coronavirus testing in the United Kingdom.

A total of 64,170 deaths related to the coronavirus are currently occurring in the UK, according to figures produced by statistics agencies.

Healthy coronavirus
Coronavirus proliferation rate (PA graphics)

According to the ONS Coronavirus Infection Survey, the average number of new cases of coronavirus in private homes from October 25 to 31 was 45,700 per day, estimated per day from October 17 to 23. The number of new cases was 51,900.

This suggests that the rate of new infections “seems to be stable with about 50,000 new infections per day in recent weeks,” ONS said.

Ruth Stadley, Head of Analysis for the Coronavirus Infection Investigation, said:

At the national level, infections have slowed across England and Wales, but are still increasing. In England, infection levels are rising in all regions except the northeast. Infection levels in young adults and adolescents over the teens appear to have recently leveled off. However, despite the increase in all other age groups, the chances of getting infected remain the highest.


ONS said that when it examined new infections daily, infection rates across the UK seemed to be “stable.”

This number does not include people staying in hospitals or nursing homes. It is based on more than 689,000 swab tests collected from across the UK for people with and without symptoms.

Meanwhile, the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) said Queen Elizabeth Hospital was forced to postpone all planned procedures after a surge in emergency cases of coronavirus and non-coronavirus. On November 3, about 359 beds were occupied by confirmed coronavirus patients.

On November 6, SAGE, which advises the government, stated that the fertility (R-value) of coronavirus infections across the UK was between 1.1 and 1.3.


Sage is confident that the epidemic has continued to grow in the UK in recent weeks.

There is some evidence that growth may be slowing in some parts of the country, but in these areas the levels of illness are very high, with R dropping to 1 and much more than 1. Significant levels of health care demand and mortality will continue to fall below. For a long time.

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